[4alabama] an introduction

Peter Wolfe sunspot005 at gmail.com
Fri Oct 23 05:58:10 UTC 2009

4 Alabama e-mail listers,

    My name is Peter, who is a visually impaired person who attends a
major university in the state. My major in my under graduate studies
is social science/history education that will eventually allow me to
teach 7-12 graders in the social sciences. My hobbies include:
reading, writing, debating, web programming, news, politics,
sociology, cultures, languages, science conservation, economics and
computers. Other things that I do for fun are playng cards and board
games, traveling and playing some computer games. If you have any
questions about me just feel free to e-mail me at my e-mail address
off list. I was wondering what happened to Mike Jones the former
president of the NFB of Alabama too! Thanks for all the help you may
provide about that question. Oh, I was wondering if someone could
describe to me what are the general discussions like on this list, so
that I know whether or not I will stay on or not.


webmaster at darkstruggle.com
alternative e-mail
sunspot005 at gmail.com

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