[4Alabama] Accessible Insulin Pumps

Jennifer Reeves auburngirl2021 at gmail.com
Wed Oct 27 13:04:42 UTC 2021

*A Conversation on Accessible Insulin Pumps on October 28:*

As part of our nonvisual accessibility initiatives, the National Federation
of the Blind will be hosting a conversation on Thursday, October 28, 2021,
at 7:00 p.m., eastern with representatives from the Insulet Corporation,
the makers of Omnipod. We request feedback from blind and low-vision
individuals about the challenges they face, the solutions they may have
developed, and the features they would like to see in the future. Email to
Pat Miller, pmiller at nfb.org, in order to receive the Zoom information.
Please let us know if you are blind, if you are a diabetic, and which
insulin pump you use, if any.

*Upcoming Braille Readers Are Leaders Contest: Registration Opening in

It’s time, once again, for the Braille Readers Are Leaders (BRAL) contest,
sponsored by the American Action Fund for Blind Children and Adults, in
partnership with the National Federation of the Blind. This contest is for
both children and adults. We are pleased to announce exciting changes to
the contest this year including using an online platform called Beanstack.
More details coming soon. Get ready to share the registration as the
contest kicks off December 1.

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