[Ag-eq] german shepherds

Jody W. Ianuzzi jody at thewhitehats.com
Tue Jun 29 19:05:38 UTC 2010

Hi Fred,

One of the funniest stories I remember about my shepherd was the day a huge
250 pound plus man wouldn't come out of his office because I was walking
down the hall and he was afraid of shepherds.  He made such a fuss, then a
tiny lady who must have weighed 80 pounds soaking wet came out of her office
and ran over to say hello to my big fierce German Shepherd.  There was
another lady who worked in the building who was from the islands and when
she saw us she would  run away screeching.

Of course my favorite story is how my dog is so friendly that when we are in
the stall in the ladies room she likes to peek her head under the wall to
say hello to the lady in the next stall.  I can just imagine the surprise of
women when they see a German Shepherd head appear from under the wall.  I
usually know when my dog is doing this because I hear the lady giggle and
say "well, hello there.".  One day that poor lady from the islands is going
to be sitting there and she will run screaming from the bathroom.


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