[Ag-eq] Newsletter/Local Harvest

Susan Roe dogwoodfarm at verizon.net
Sat Mar 30 12:02:55 UTC 2013

LocalHarvest Newsletter, March 29, 2013

Welcome back to the LocalHarvest newsletter.

A little while back I was on a road trip and stopped at a coffee shop for a snack. I picked up one of the extra large cookies on the counter to see what
was in it, and there, listed at the end of the usual ingredients was 'love.' I am sorry to say that my initial reaction included a tiny bit of eye rolling.
It felt a little gimmicky - but it got me thinking. If we can put love into food, all sorts of possibilities open up, including how we think about good

We who appreciate good food sometimes struggle when it comes to describing it. Does it need to be grown within a certain number of miles? Does all organic
food count? What if its parent company was a multinational? It gets complicated. Maybe there is some shorthand that would help, and maybe that shorthand
is this: good food is grown and prepared with love.

What does that mean, exactly? How do we add love to our food? For myself, one important piece is simply paying attention to both the ingredients and the
act of cooking. It's the easiest thing in the world to throw together a quick supper while thinking a thousand racing thoughts about everything but the
vegetables in my hands. But really, it is almost as simple, and infinitely more satisfying, to close the mental door on the day, focus on the task at hand,
and take note of the fact that this food - this onion, these beans, this rice - this food right here will nourish me and my family, will become the energy
that sustains us. Being mentally present and open-hearted changes what happens in the kitchen. It's noticeable. My husband appreciates food and the effort
home-cooking requires, and even when I've just thrown dinner together he looks at it and says, "Thank you for cooking, sweetie." But when I've really put
my heart into it, he'll almost always say something like, "Wow, this is beautiful." And it is.

So love changes food and the way we perceive it. I think this is one reason so many of us are drawn to farmers markets, farm stands and CSAs. Much of this
food has been loved its whole life, and some part of us knows that. While not every farmer would use the word "love" in relation to what he or she does
in the fields, I think it's a fair descriptor of what's going on when someone works for months to raise a crop, poring over crop rotations and seed orders,
scraping weeds away from seedlings, sifting soil between their fingers to test the moisture, and getting up at 4:00 every morning to care for animals and
load trucks and do the million other things necessary to bring in the harvest. Such work requires sustained attention, and usually, what people attend
to deeply opens their hearts. Crops raised in this way, like meals prepared with care at home, are good food.

When we give our full attention to that which sustains us, whether we are growing, preparing, serving or eating it, that attention becomes a form of blessing.
And we too are blessed.

Until next time, take good care and eat well.
Erin Barnett
Director, LocalHarvest

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