[Ag-eq] New member replying was

Jewel jewelblanch at kinect.co.nz
Mon Apr 15 22:37:40 UTC 2013

New member out there somewhere?  Guess that's me: folk:  Jewel Blanch!
Jody invited me to join this list as she thought that it might be right up my alley, so I did, and 
now it is up to you to see that she spoke nothing but the truth.
Just a word or 3 about me!
I live on the outskirts of Gore:  a small town of 7 to 8000 inhabitants:  being the only town of any 
significance in Eastern Southland New Zealand.
I own a property of 1.1 hectares plus; the plus  being the floodbank which, many years ago, belonged 
to the former owners but was bought by Environment South, the body whose responsibility it is to 
manage floodbanks etc.
Actually, when I bought the property in 1986, I was shown the cheque for 10 cents that Environment 
South had paid for the floodbank, and which, not surprisingly, the Grahams had never bothered to 
cash, but were keeping for a rainy day, or perhaps just a rather misty one!
I call my spread the BlanchRanch.  This was just a fun name at first, but is now official and is the 
name by which I trade at my stock and station agent.
I have a long history of keeping livestock, but more of that in later posts because, without 
counting, I feel sure  that my personal allocation of * 3 words must have been reached and exceeded 
some time ago.


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