[Ag-eq] 2 countries separated with but a common tongue was Re: New member replying was

Jody Ianuzzi jody at thewhitehats.com
Wed Apr 17 03:29:05 UTC 2013

Hi Jewel,

Hahahaha, good one and so Marine!

Yes, it was a kitbag, that was it.

Well, the Australian pines that we have don't have sap that is flammable
like most pine trees, rather than turpentine it actually has a water based
sap so the trees don't burn.  The needles on the ground do burn so we have
to clean them up.

Now the Laurel oaks drop leaves from September through February but I didn't
know this.  I assumed that when they dropped, that was it so I raked up the
leaves only to have more fall.  I must have raked the leaves four or five
times over the winter.  Each time I just pictured the tree laughing at me.
Next year I only rake once in February.

JODYI was listening to the Christchurch radio station on Christmas day and a
man called in and complained about his wife who insisted on burning a raging
fire in the fireplace on Christmas Day.  He said it was fine in England
where it was cold but it was the hottest day of the summer and she had a
huge fire going.  That's nostalgia for you.


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