[Ag-eq] Michelle's horses was Re: Jody's horses

Jody Ianuzzi jody at thewhitehats.com
Thu Apr 18 19:50:00 UTC 2013

Hi Nella,

Yes, Clinton Anderson is wonderful and he really isn't doing anything
different then Monty Roberts, Pat Parelli, John Lyons or any other natural
horseman but he has such a wonderful way of making it simple for us humans
to understand.

He breaks everything in to four steps of increasing intensity which are easy
to remember like how to get a horse to back up.  His wiggle, wave, walk and
wack technique of first wiggle the rope, then wave your arms and if that
doesn't back him then walk towards him and then finally wack him lightly in
the chest.

He has a funny sense of humor where the other trainers are a bit dry so he
keeps your attention.  

I love natural horsemansip and it is amazing how in tune people can be with

I agree it is a bit disappointing that we can't use eye contact with our
horses.  My husband has been lunging Ranger just by looking at his face,
shoulder or down at the ground.  I wish I could do that with him.

Now the big trick is to 'join up' with him.  He still won't let us get
within five feet of him which is already a ten foot improvement over a week

I have gotten close enough to rub his forehead and neck and handle his
halter but I haven't tried to control him, I am waiting for him to not run

It is a bit frustrating and I can't help but think of how someone who is a
real pro could come in and solve our problem in five minutes.


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