[Ag-eq] dog walking

nfoster at extremezone.com nfoster at extremezone.com
Wed Oct 23 13:36:43 UTC 2013

This is kind of off topic,but I wanted to rant.

I have 2 dogs that I'm currently doing obedience training with and they are
progressing quite nicely.  Winston is a GSD, which I'm considering training as
a guide and Hank is a mixed breed, who just needs to learn more manners.  They
both came from our local Humane Society and for the most part are really  good
dogs.  Hank and Winston are now good enough that I can heel them both on the
left and take them for walks.  I do make them wear pinch collars so I have more
control.  Yesterday we were on a walk and as we went around the park a loose dog
ran up barking.  It barked and ran in circles around us.  I told the boys to sit
and they did.  The owners called and called, but their dog ignored them. 
Finally the man caught him and apologized.  He kept saying, " he's friendly, he
just wants to play."  Then he says "wow, how did you get your dogs to just sit
there?"  I replied that Hank isn't always friendly and doesn't always want to
play and that there is a leash law.  I then told him that it was called
training and maybe he should try it.  As I walked away I heard some muttering
about a "bitch" and since Hank and Winston are males I don't think he was
talking about my dogs!

I don't know why people can't keep their dogs on leash; we have a leash law for
a reason.  Years ago my guide was attacked by a loose dog and it's made me
nervous ever since.  I've also had loose dogs threaten other pets in the past. 
I don't want to be in the middle of a dog fight.  Hank does have some issues
with dog aggression and he's not predictable around other dogs.  Hank has made
a lot of progress, but he's still not trust worthy and I don't want to put him
in those situations.  However, I'm not going to stop walking my dogs just
because a few people are irresponsible.

I'm very proud of the boys; they did sit nicely until I gave them the walk on
command.  I guess my hours of training paid off!  The hardest part for me is
staying calm in these types of situations; I don't want my dogs picking up on
my anxiety.


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