[Ag-eq] Chickens

Susan Roe dogwoodfarm at verizon.net
Thu Feb 27 19:30:39 UTC 2014

Hi Tracy,

I am still leaning towards the Rhode Island Reds.  They are a large, brown 
egg layer, very hardy in summer and winter and their roosters are mean as 
... I never had anything get in the pen where I had a Rhode Island Red in 
residence.  I like nature, but I refuse to let nature feed off of my 
chickens!  So, whether you be fox or farel cat, you are going to be dead 
meat if you mess with my chickens this time around.

I'll let you know when I finally settle on the breed.  Who knows, I might 
just have a mixed flock of hens and a Rhode Island Red rooster.

dogwoodfarm at verizon.net 

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