[Ag-eq] Turnips

Tracy Carcione carcione at access.net
Fri Nov 20 14:29:54 UTC 2015

I'm harvesting my turnips still.  I also have some chard, kale, and parsley
in the cold frame.  With any luck, I'll have fresh greens for a while yet.

The turnips are not in the cold frame, but I've covered them when the
temperature is supposed to drop below 40 degrees at night, and they're doing

One was immense-3 turnips in one, really, and very tasty.  The one I ate
last night could have been harvested earlier, but was still fine.  I chopped
and boiled the greens for about 10 minutes, and chopped the root, but didn't
cook it, and mixed both into pasta, with some beans.  Pretty tasty, though I
probably could have boiled the root a little, too.

I'm thinking I should make stew with one of my turnips, but don't want it to
get mushy, the way they can if they're not cooked right.

Anyway, it's great to still be getting fresh veg, and it's already almost



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