[Ag-eq] PSI setting for goats

Jewel jewelblanch at kinect.co.nz
Tue Apr 26 23:14:49 UTC 2016

Nella!  I have been worried for your goats re you using the same vacuum setting for both Bonny and 
Perhaps you have your machine set for an intermediate psi, lighter than normal for a cow, but a bit 
heavier than ideal for a goat.
I have checked with a person on my specialist goatkeeper's list and she tells me that her machine is 
set at 12PSI.  She was told that anything heavier than that will, in time, damage the goats' udders.
Please forgive me for interfering, but I am, honestly,  concerned.
When I was machine milking goats, I had 2 raised bales and 2 sets of cups so could milk 2 at a time.


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