[Ag-eq] Another report on the earthquake

Jewel jewelblanch at kinect.co.nz
Tue Nov 15 01:23:38 UTC 2016

The earthquake that struck Christchurch in 2011 and did so much damage was 6.3 on the Richter scale, 
while the one that shook the top half of the South Island and lower of the North just after 
midnight on November 14th was 7.5, but there were, at least, two notable differences:  the one that 
hit Christchurch had its epicentre, almost, directly, under the city and was at the, relatively, 
shallow depth of 10km, so the city absorbed the entire force, while yesterday's:  7.5:  50,000 times 
stronger the tv reporter said, but I think that he must have misread the figures: was centred in a, 
sparsely, , populated part of the South Island and was a little deeper than Christchurch, 15km which 
is, in seismic  terms, not much but sufficient to make a slight difference.
2 people were killed in Kaikoura, the nearest town to Hamner where all the trouble began.  A truck 
and its driver were buried in a landslide, but the driver is ok, and a cow that had been stranded 
has been rescued, and I am sure that you will be relieved to hear, that it is, also ok.
After giving Kaikoura a wake-up call, the quake  crossed Cook Strait and gave Wellington a 
going-over;  however, there were no injuries but a great deal of damage to transport, Roads were 
closed, trains were cancelled, the inter-island ferries did not sail because of damage to the warves 
on both sides of the Strait, Wellington and Picton, and now Wellington is being hammered by a 
monster storm and many of the coastal roads have had to be closed because of severe flooding from 
the sea.


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