[Ag-eq] Apples

Tracy Carcione carcione at access.net
Sun Sep 17 13:33:40 UTC 2017

My sister vaguely remembered hearing about a gadget that cores and peels
apples, so I went to Amazon and searched for apple corer, and came up with
the Spiralizer apple corer and peeler.  People said it was great for
processing the apples from their trees into pies, so I bought it, and it
came Friday.  It's pretty simple.  Draw back the screw shaft, and push an
apple stem-first onto the prongs.  Then turn the crank.  In about 3 seconds,
I have a peeled, cored, sliced apple!  Yesterday, I only did one as an
experiment, to see how the gizmo works.  Today, I plan to do a whole lot.  I
can dehydrate a lot without peels, to be saved for later baking.  And I can
disengage the peeler, and dehydrate more for snacking.  If it's as easy as
it seems, I should be able to process a whole lot of apples without taking
all day at it. Wahoo!



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