[Ag-eq] For my friends and rellies, which Gayle, my sister pointed out are not, automatically, synomonous, one to the other

Jewel jewelblanch at kinect.co.nz
Sun Oct 1 02:29:49 UTC 2017

    full message as sent to blindlikeme:  I cannot get a message to bvlindhandyman unless I use, as 
a horse,  a received message addressed to that list,  and I have got none of those little gems in my 
in-box;  hence my addressing this message to blm.
Actually, it is just a bit of skite in the DIY department.
With advancing age, I found that getting out of my old-fashioned bath was getting, increasingly, 
difficult, so I contacted the out patients department at Gore Hospital and they furnished me  with a 
battery-operated bath lift which has been very successful.
I was keeping the battery charger out in  the hall, which was, perfectly, fine, but just to keep 
everything in its appropriate place, I thought that the appropriate place for the bath lift chair 
battery was in the bathroom, but there was no plug in there, so, when I had an electrician here 
putting in extra lights in  the house and outside so  that I could light up the drive, I asked him 
if he could put an outlet for charging the battery in the bathfoom.
He said:  "No!  health and safety regulations would not let him do that!"
Well, said I to I:  maybe h&s regs wouldn't allow a professional tradesman to do that, but what 
about an unprofessional tradeswoman?  I didn't put the question to the sparkie of course!

I can now report that the battery charger is in  the bathroom, and it was a simple matter of just 
drilling a hole through the wall from  the adjacent kitchen cum living room, where  the existing 
electrical outlets are and threading the cord through  the hole so that the tender end of the cord 
is in the kitchen cum living room while the business end is in the charger which is hanging upon a 
hook in the bathroom.
Looks rather snazzy if I says so meself!


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