[Ag-eq] Garden

Tracy Carcione carcione at access.net
Fri Oct 6 12:51:31 UTC 2017

A few weeks ago, I had my landscaper take out a shrub that's not performing
as advertised.  I'm not usually so ruthless, but this bush was very big and
flowered once in several years.  Now I have a nice space for something else,
and my worker and I have been discussing it.  We talked about honeyberry,
but that needs 2 plants to set fruit.  We talked about currant, which I
wanted, but it can be invasive here.  So I decided to try to propagate a
shrub I love from my front yard, summersweet.  I can't find the variety
anymore anywhere.  It was only supposed to get 3 feet tall, but it's at
least 7.  It's covered with flowers for about a month in the summer.  They
smell wonderful, and the bees go crazy for them.  So yesterday I took some
cuttings, and I'll try to get them to root.  I've read about the process for
years, but never tried it.  Does anyone have any experience?

Also, if anyone has a shrub they love, feel free to recommend.



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