[Ag-eq] Peas and beans

Tracy Carcione carcione at access.net
Mon Aug 13 16:08:30 UTC 2018

This spring, I asked y'all about Southern varieties of peas.  I chose
Summerpea.  It looks a lot like a bush bean plant.  It now has long, green
bean-like pods full of small peas.  I'm not sure, but I don't think they're
ready to harvest yet.  While I was away on vacation, some of the pods seem
to have been attacked by aphids, but I've been vigorously wiping them off,
and I think they'll be OK.  It's odd, because I've never had a bean be
attacked by aphis before, and they're going after the pods and not the
leaves.  But I'll get the buggers.


I'm also getting a nice crop of Roma beans, which are the flat Italin-type
green beans.  I think they're the tastiest green beans, and heartily
recommend them.  They were a little hard to find seed for, but it was worth
the hunt.



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