[Akron-Talk] agenda and update

Dave Bertsch dwbertsch at hotmail.com
Mon Oct 29 18:02:07 UTC 2018

Hi all, there is a new message on the Voicebox, some updates I thought would be helpful. Please call in and listen, and remind any who you know that are not on email, to call in and be in the loop with us. It's convention week, and at a member's request, we condensed the long agenda we all got, to a more straight-forward layout without all the extra notes and descriptions of meetings, and increased the font size. Several meetings overlap, especially on Saturday afternoon, so pick the sessions and topics that interest you the most. If you need the streamlined agenda, let us know. We look forward to seeing many of our chapter members at the state convention this weekend, and at the upcoming chapter meetings on November 17 and December 15. Some terrific things are planned for each meeting so put them on your calendar. I hope everyone has a great week!

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