[Akron-Talk] board news

Dave Bertsch dwbertsch at hotmail.com
Tue Jul 23 15:04:08 UTC 2019

Hi all, what a great picnic we had Friday! My sunburn is fading, but I remain excited about our first year and even more about the coming year and our opportunity to make a difference in the lives of our blind neighbors.

We remembered Kiana while at the picnic and her health and recovery remain in our thoughts. In a letter to me and Richard last week she said she must step away from her role as Vice President, and as Fundraising Committee Chair. She remains a member of the NFB and the chapter and part of the family, and we look for her return as soon as possible.

I will take over our Fundraising Committee for now. But we need a new Vice President to serve the remainder of the term now vacant. It will run through December of 2020 when the President and Vice President offices will both be up for election.

If you are interested in serving as VP, and more importantly as an officer and member of our Board, please let me know personally. You can contact me anytime at 330-472-4084 or by email dwbertsch at gmail.com<mailto:dwbertsch at gmail.com>


Dave Bertsch, President
Greater Akron Chapter
National Federation of the Blind of Ohio

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