[Akron-Talk] FW: Have you heard?

Dave Bertsch dwbertsch at hotmail.com
Tue Jul 30 15:54:24 UTC 2019

From: En-Vision America
Sent: Tuesday, July 30, 2019 9:44 AM
To: rchpay7 at gmail.com
Subject: Please share with your network

Have you heard?

Walmart Announces Nationwide Rollout of ScripTalk Service

Walmart has officially announced the nationwide rollout of ScripTalk audible prescription labels as a free service for their low vision, blind and print impaired pharmacy customers.  This expansion of services means all pharmacists and locations should now be aware of the service which will make requesting the service at any Walmart location a lot easier!!

No forms to fill out, no proof of vision loss necessary: just tell the pharmacist you have trouble reading your prescriptions and would like ScripTalk labels added.

Help Us Spread This Life-Saving News By:

*       Emailing the links to family, friends, organizations and service groups;
*       Posting to your social media pages and encouraging your friends to share;
*       Sharing the links with your local media, encouraging them to do an article;
*       Hashtag everyone and anyone who you think will benefit from this service; and
*       Hashtag us so we can follow and share your successes!  #ScripTalk

Links to Share:

 <https://envisionamerica.us3.list-manage.com/track/click?u=db4dd6006ff4b508c6e63c45d&id=eb97985bfa&e=777cdeaab5> Walmart Press Release: Walmart and Sams Club Set Standard for Providing Accessible Prescription Labels Across US

 <https://envisionamerica.us3.list-manage.com/track/click?u=db4dd6006ff4b508c6e63c45d&id=85fe772d39&e=777cdeaab5> A Different Kind of Vision:  Why We're Working to Make Prescription Labels more Accessible

Thank you for everything you do!!

Sharla Glass
En-Vision America
Public Policy and Community Outreach Liaison

 <https://envisionamerica.us3.list-manage.com/track/click?u=db4dd6006ff4b508c6e63c45d&id=3ca54dc89c&e=777cdeaab5> Find Out More About ScripTalk





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825 4th Street West

Palmetto, FL 34221

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