[Akron-Talk] call tonite on senior retreat

Dave Bertsch dwbertsch at hotmail.com
Sun Jan 19 22:15:50 UTC 2020

The January  Sharing Solutions for Vision Loss teleconference will be held  Sunday, January 19,  at 7:00 p.m.  The topic this month will be the Senior Retreat.  Our guest speaker, Ruth Sager, a member of the NFB Senior Division, will present information about the retreat.  Ruth will be accompanied by a past participant of the retreat, who will share her experiences.  The monthly teleconference is sponsored by the NFB of Ohio Senior Division.  Callers do not need to be seniors or members of NFB to participate.

Here are the details for joining the teleconference:

Phone number: (712) 775-7031

Access Code, when prompted: 240281423#

Date: Sunday, January 19, 2020
Time:  7:00 p.m.
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