[Akron-Talk] minutes from September

Dave Bertsch dwbertsch at gmail.com
Wed Oct 14 14:18:57 UTC 2020

Greater Akron Chapter

National Federation of the Blind of Ohio

Meeting Minutes for Sept 19, 2020

Dave Bertsch called the meeting to order at 11 a.m. on our Chapter
Conference Line.

Stephanie took roll call, with 17 members and 2 guests present. Guests
included Affiliate President Richard Payne, and Thomas Solich, of Solich
Piano, our guest speaker. Thank you for joining us!

We read together the 1-Minute Message: The National Federation of the Blind
knows that blindness is not the characteristic that defines you or your
future. Every day we raise the expectations of blind people, because low
expectations create obstacles between blind people and our dreams. You can
live the life you want; blindness is not what holds you back

Guest Speaker : Thomas Solich, of Solich Piano spoke about his life journey
thru blindness, and how he has overcome obstacles.  He challenged the group
to use your vision as a platform, which is self made to do what you want to

President’s Remarks

Dave announced the September Birthdays—Kiana, Juanita, Margaret, Alex.

In November we will be holding our chapter elections for President, and
Vice President.  Those interested should contact the Nominating Committee,
prior to the November meeting.

The Akron Library will be setting up PC’s for People program soon.  They
also have completed more work on the Accessible Zone, an area in the
library devoted to accessible hardware and software. The braille books we
donated should likewise be on the shelves soon.  The Library will not be
able to hold any group meetings for the rest of the year.


Secretary Report: Minutes from Aug 15, 2020 were voted on and approved

Treasurer Report: There were no transactions since the previous meeting, so
our treasury balance remains as $348.23. Pat reminded everyone Member
Chapter Dues $10.00 are due by Oct 1, 2020. The chapter must pay its dues
to the state before the state convention. Also, we/the board has already
extended the due date three months, to address the Covid situation.

Committee Reports

Publicity and Social Media Committee: Dave mentioned no new updates for

Fundraising Committee: We will be having the Beef o’ Brady’s event Oct. 8.
Also, the chapter is now registered for Acme cash back program by saving
receipts Dave sent fliers to every member in the mail. We will submit all
receipts in late December, and get paid!

Newsline Committee: Pat shared updates on Newsline and said they are making
things available from the convention.  She also offered to help those who
would like to sign up.

Outreach Committee: Andra spoke on the Legislation for the Fair Labor Act
that has been recognized by the congressmen, and the important work that
the NFB supports.

Conventions Committee: Pat talked about the upcoming NFB Ohio State
Convention, to be held virtually November 6-8. Pat has offered registration
help to any who need it. Sharon made a motion to donate 4 $25 gift cards
for door prizes to the NFB State Convention.  Andra 2nd, and the motion

Events Committee: October 8 is our fundraiser at Beef O ’Brady’s in Stow,
same place as last year. Fliers will soon be available and carry-out orders
will be included for the fundraiser.  We do have a room reserved at On Tap,
Cuyahoga Falls if we are able to hold a holiday gathering in December.

Membership Committee: Kiana gave an update regarding efforts to coordinate
new members thru Akron Metro, and Hud Housing.

Andra joined the Toastmasters group meeting that was held recently in
Cleveland.  She expressed the importance of speaking with emotion to make
an impact when speaking to others.

Other Business

Richard Payne reminded everyone of the upcoming Board meeting on Monday,
9/28 at 6:30 pm.  Also they will be hosting a Rookie Round-up for the State
Convention on Nov 4.  Also, the Thurs before the convention will be hosting
a Happy Hour via Zoom.  More details to follow.

Important Dates were shared, including:

October 17 Meeting via conference call

November 6-8 State Convention via Zoom

November 21 Meeting via conference call

The meeting was adjourned at 12:10, motioned by Pat and seconded by Paige.

Dave Bertsch
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