[Art_beyond_sight_educators] Greek Tactile Museum, Ricky Trione, Petros Roukoutakis, The Blind Artist's Society

fnugg at online.no fnugg at online.no
Wed Apr 8 10:13:22 UTC 2009

Links, and excerpts to websites.


Margie Bohnstedt colored Easter eggs until she was 80 years old.

“[Coloring eggs] brings back lots of memories,” the 85-year-old said 
during an egg-decorating event at Shepherd of the Valley in Boardman on 

Although Bohnstedt is legally blind, she sat and listened to her friends 
share Easter stories while dipping and dying the hard-boiled eggs



Meet Ricky Trione, an unbelievably talented painter who is blind


Ricky Trione, back by popular demand!

article with embedded videos from youtube



excerpt from website

Petros Roukoutakis Sculpter
Petros Roukoutakis was born in 1953 in Chania of Crete (Greece). He 
studied painting at Doxiadis School of Athens. He continued studies in 
the Academy of Arts of Rome (1974-1977) having Franco Gentily as a teacher.
At the age of twenty eight he became blind, ever since then he 
consecrates himself to the art of sculpture. Since 1982 he has been 
teaching the blind children at the KEAT school (public elementary school 
for blind children) in Kalithea, Athens. In 1991 he also established the 
sculpture workshop for the Greek Lighthouse for blind people.
He has organized and participated in many personal and group exhibitions 
and for his sculpture and instructive work in Art and Culture he has 
been awarded by the Academy of Greece (1994).


The Blind Artist's Society
The online Resource and Support Group for Artists with Visual Impairments

on Youtube.com


long list of artists at

The Tactile Museum


In 1983, the president of the Lighthouse for the Blind, Protopapadaki L. 
and the managing director Kefakis Manolis, were looking for a way that 
would give visually impaired people the opportunity to come in touch 
with ancient greek Culture. The first artefacts were bought by 
Lighthouse, followed by several donations by suppporting organizations 
and others. At the same time it was realized that the ability to touch 
and feel the exhibits was an excellent new way of approaching the 
ancient greek civilization not only for blind but for sighted people, too.

has also descriptions of various art

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