[Art_beyond_sight_educators] Photographiy, Henry Butler, Blindphotographers.org

Lisa Yayla fnugg at online.no
Fri Aug 14 10:35:13 UTC 2009

Excerpts and links to blogs, articles about photography.
Although blinded by glaucoma since birth, Butler is a world class 
photographer who will be featured in an HBO documentary on blind 
photographers to be broadcast this fall. “You don’t have to be bound by 
anyone else’s limitations on you,” says Butler, “Where there’s a will 
there are ways to overcome anything.” This message is the centerpiece to 
the many programs Butler, who holds a Masters Degree in Vocal Music from 
Michigan State University, has designed for blind and visually impaired 


Touch Sight Camera
Another concept and very a thoughtful one here. Today's Samsung 
announcements may have two LCD screens, but this camera has none. The 
Touch Sight is a camera for the visually impaired and it takes pictures 
as normal but with a couple of mind-bending additions. Firstly, it 
records three seconds of audio at the same time as taking the snap, to 
help with filing purposes later, and it also has a braille printer which 
embosses information onto the shot - three sense photography instead of 
just one.
Crazy Factor: Far Out - totally unique

Blind Loughborough photographer hopes work can raise charity cash

A BLIND photographer from Loughborough is hoping his amazing art will 
raise money for charity.

Brian Negus, 62, of Westfield Drive, suffers from hereditary optic 
atrophy - a condition which means that he can see shapes but not detail.

But with a pair of magnifying spectacles and a large display screen on 
his camera, Brian has managed to shoot an amazing array of stunning 

To showcase his art, Brian has set up a website and he is offering 
anyone use of the snaps, in exchange for a donation to 
Leicestershire-based sight charity Vista, where Brian is chairman.



Visually impaired photographer in Britain sets up forum for other 
photographers with vision problems
 From This is Leicestershire in the UK. The picture is one of Negus' photos.

Brian Negus would be the first to admit that he has picked an unlikely 
hobby in photography.

But although the registered blind amateur snapper cannot see much of 
what he is shooting, he has still managed to take an amazing collection 
of pictures of Leicestershire and beyond.

The 62-year-old, from Loughborough, has set up the UK's first forum for 
photographers with sight problems, through the Flickr website.

He is now hoping more visually impaired people will choose to get behind 
their lenses and start taking shots of the world around them.


loads of links, news!

On PopPhoto’s 20 Photography Twitters List
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
By timobrien
I don’t know how we missed it, but back in April Popular Photography 
magazine named us one of their 20 Photography Twitters Worth Following, 
calling us “A group of visually impaired artists and photographers that 
create impressive images.” Twitter, if you have not yet hopped on the 
bandwagon, is the very trendy site that is a hybrid of blogging and text 
messaging. Since that may not make much sense to you, just know that it 
is hard to describe, addictive and worth a look.

This is how PopPhoto describes Twitter and its top twitter list: “The 
microblogging social media site, Twitter is a great way to keep up on 
what’s happening in your social group as well as your industry. If 
you’re a photo enthusiast like us, these 20 microblogs should surely 
bring joy to your Twitter feed every minute of the day. Feel free to hit 
us up with suggestions on our own Twitter page @PopPhoto.”

We are joined on the list by a litany of big names in photography. 
Photojournalism sits, Reuters Pictures and the Boston Globe’s Big 
Picture (a personal favorite), have their twitter feeds listed. Two big 
name is photography retail, B&H and Adorama, made the cut. So did the 
fun photo hobby idea folks at Photojojo. And, of course, PopPhoto.

Check us out on Twitter at BlindPhotogs. Thanks, PopPhoto!

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