[Art_beyond_sight_educators] [Art_beyond_sight_theory_and_research] J M Kennedy lecture

Lisa Yayla fnugg at online.no
Thu Mar 11 04:40:14 UTC 2010


Noon to One pm
on Tues 16th March 2010
Doris McCarthy Gallery
University of Toronto

Understanding pictures in vision and touch:

Lines, perspectives and metaphors from cave art to the present

John M Kennedy FRSC
Department of Psychology
University of Toronto

A 40 minute lecture on the psychology of pictures, richly illustrated.

What did cave artists discover? 50,000 years ago, we discovered how to use
lines to picture the world. Six figure-ground uses of line are possible –
and one is impossible, Kennedy argues. Is it ontologically impossible for
lines to work as pictures in touch, for the blind? Kennedy finds blind
people know the 6 figure-ground possibilities. Renaissance perspective is
a discovery about perception, not an invention of an arbitrary convention,
Kennedy proposes. It is used by the blind, he finds. Figure-ground and
perspective offers a base for Realism, he contends. Deliberate
disobedience of Realism can create highly successful pictorial metaphors.

With metaphoric pictures from EW, a Japanese blind woman.

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