[Art_beyond_sight_educators] Simon Hayhoe

fnugg at online.no fnugg at online.no
Thu Sep 30 19:03:03 UTC 2010

Congratulations Simon!!!



. *How the blind view art*

Dr Simon Hayhoe, visiting academic in LSE's Centre for Philosophy of 
Natural and Social Science, has won a Fulbright All-Disciplines Scholar 
Award to study blind and visually impaired people's understanding of 
paintings in galleries and on the web, as part of a visiting fellowship 
at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York.
The research project, which will start in July 2011, intends to survey 
and interview English speaking people of all ages who are registered 
blind and who visit the Metropolitan, in order to discover:

    * their strategies for conceptualising paintings
    * the problems blind and visually impaired museum visitors encounter
      whilst visiting the Metropolitan
    * whether blind and visually impaired museum visitors 'picture' images
    * how blind and visually impaired museum visitors imagine paintings'
      subjects and compositions
    * what understanding blind and visually impaired museum visitors
      have of visual concepts discussed in the composition of paintings,
      and in particular: tone, perspective, and colour

The research will contribute to a new book on arts, blindness and 
technology, and will help to inform arts teachers and curators in the UK 
and US, as well as future web developments for people wanting to make 
paintings accessible to blind and visually impaired people through the web.
For more information on the project, email Dr Hayhoe at 
s.hayhoe at lse.ac.uk 

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