[Art_beyond_sight_educators] AUDIO DESCRIPTION INSTITUTE - July 14-16, 2011

Lisa Yayla Lisa.Yayla at statped.no
Tue Jun 28 13:50:16 UTC 2011



  ACB logo                     Audio Description logo         Audio Description

The American Council of the Blind's Audio Description Project Announces Its

In Conjunction with ACB's 2011

Annual Conference and Convention

John Ascuaga Nugget Hotel Resort Casino - Reno, Nevada

Audio Description (AD) makes visual images accessible for people who are blind or have low vision.  Using words that are succinct, vivid, and imaginative, media describers convey the visual image from television and film that is not fully accessible to a significant segment of the population (more than 25 million Americans experience significant vision loss).
The signing of the 21st Century Communications and Video Accessibility Act has spawned a virtual cottage industry for the development of description for broadcast television.
Who Should Attend

- Anyone interested in:

- working as freelance description writers for broadcast television

- working as a describer in a local performing arts program

- working as a describer for visual art exhibitions
- Experienced audio describers desiring an updated refresher course.

NOTE:  freelance writers for broadcast television projects can often be based anywhere in the world-computer equipment capable of accommodating high-speed downloads is a must.

Topics Include--
1) audio description history and theory
2) the "Four Fundamentals of Audio Description" (c)

3) active seeing/visual literacy-developing skills in concentration and observation
4) the art of "editing" what you see
5) vivid language: "The Visual Made Verbal"(tm)

6) "Speak the speech, I pray you"--using the spoken word to make meaning

- Three full days of intensive, interactive training;

- Two continental breakfasts and a Saturday luncheon will be provided;

- Registration for the ACB 2011 Conference and Convention is included.

The interactive sessions (limited use of lecture, questions/discussion throughout, generous use of media, and individual and group writing exercises) are designed to provide immediate feedback and "give and take," allowing for adaptation according to a sense of participants' grasp of the material.  In addition, experienced users of description are a part of the Institute's faculty, providing an important perspective throughout the sessions.

This Institute will begin at 8:30 am on Thursday, July 14, 2011 and conclude at 4:00 pm on Saturday, July 16, 2011 (detailed agenda below).

Participation is strictly limited.  The Institute will issue ACB-sponsored certificates to all successful participants confirming completion of this professional description training program.

Institute Director/Staff
Joel Snyder-- One of the first audio describers, Mr. Snyder began describing theater events and media in 1981; he is the President of Audio Description Associates with clients around the world (see www.audiodescribe.com for more information) and Director of ACB's Audio Description Project.  As Director of Described Media for the National Captioning Institute, he led a staff that produced description for nationally broadcast films and network series including  "Sesame Street" broadcasts and DVDs.  Snyder has trained describers in 30 states and the District of Columbia and he has brought description to over two dozen countries.  Internationally, he introduced description techniques in Japan, Israel, Romania, Spain, Portugal, Lithuania, Denmark, Norway and Finland; conducted audio description workshops in London, Prague, and St. Petersburg, Russia; and trained describers for a first-ever audio description program in Sofia, Bulgaria in August/September 1998.  Most recently, he developed a team of describers for the second annual Moscow International Disability Film Festival as the result of intensive seminars conducted in Russia.   In summer 2008, Snyder presented workshops in Montpellier, Shanghai, Beijing and provided description for the World Blind Union in Geneva.  Snyder just returned from training describers in Ireland and speaking on description/conducting description workshops in India, Malaysia and Hong Kong.

Dr. Francisco Lima-- Associate Professor at the Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, Brazil.  Dr. Lima currently teaches inclusive education and audio description at the undergraduate and graduate levels.  He trains audio describers for work in movies, theaters, museums, and other areas where images need to be accessed by people who are blind (conferences, museums, sight-seeing,  etc.).  Dr. Lima, one of the only people who are blind who trains audio describers in Brazil, is the editor of the Brazilian Journal of Visual Translation.  He is particularly interested in the attitudinal barriers against people with disability and how they apply to audio description and related subjects including the translation of visual images into haptic or tactile configuration.  Dr. Lima has studied the capability of people with visual disability to produce, understand and make use of visual images in both his Masters thesis and his Ph.D dissertation; his research has been published in journals based in the United States, England, Germany and the Republic of San Marino.

Tuition - $420.00 ($400 plus $20 ACB Convention administrative fee)  - credit card payment accepted by secure on-line registration

You can make reservations by calling the Nugget at 800-648-1177; be sure to tell the reservationist that you are with the American Council of the Blind, group code gblind, in order to receive the conference rate and count as a conference attendee.  Rates are $87 single/double; add $10 per each additional person in the room. Rates do not include 13.5% tax.

To Apply

Simply register on-line for the ACB 2011 Conference and Convention by visiting:


Contact  Joel Snyder at jsnyder at acb.org -- 202 467-5083

with any questions -- see you in Reno!.


Director, Audio Description Project

American Council of the Blind

jsnyder at acb.org -- 202 467-5083


(tm) ACB logo  ADP logo

President, Audio Description Associates, LLC

"The Visual Made Verbal"  (tm)

(tm)  ADA logo--an eye within an ear

6502 Westmoreland Avenue, Takoma Park, MD  20912

jsnyder at audiodescribe.com -- 301 920-0218

Cell:  301 452-1898  --  Fax: 208 445-0079

For more information about audio description, please visit:


2011 ACB Audio Description Project - AUDIO DESCRIPTION INSTITUTE

John Ascuaga Nugget Hotel Resort Casino - Reno, NV

July 14-15-16, 2011

DAY I - Thursday, July 14   8:30 am - 6:30 pm

*  8:30 am-9:15 am:  Breakfast - Introductions

*  9:15 am-11:00 am:  Opening Workshop

- The Visually Impaired User

- Audio Description History and Theory

- Overview of Fundamentals of Audio Description

* 11:00 am - 11:15 am:  break

* 11:15 am-12:30 am:

- Concentration / Observation

- Editing What You See

* 12:30 pm - 1:30 pm  - Lunch- on your own

* 1:30 pm - 3:30 pm:

- Language

- Speech / Breath Control / Oral Interpretation

* 3:30 pm - 3:45 pm: break

* 3:45 pm - 6:30 pm:

- Audio Description exercises

- Viewing / analysis of audio described excerpts

DAY II - Friday, July 15   8:30 am - 6:30 pm

*  8:30 am-9:30 am:  Breakfast

*  9:30 am-11:00 am:

- Viewing / analysis of audio described excerpts

- Audio Description practicum--Individual description sessions with selected video scenes

* 11:00 am - 11:15 am:  break

* 11:15 am-12:30 pm:

- Viewing / analysis of audio described excerpts

- Audio Description practicum--Individual description sessions with selected video scenes

* 12:30 pm - 1:30 pm  - Lunch- on your own

* 1:30 pm - 3:30 pm

- Viewing / analysis of audio described excerpts

- Audio Description practicum--Individual description sessions with selected video scenes

* 3:30 pm - 3:45 pm:  break

* 3:45 pm - 6:30 pm:

- Viewing / analysis of audio described excerpts

- Audio Description practicum--Individual description sessions with selected video scenes

DAY III - Saturday, July 16  8:30 am-4:00 pm

Breakfast on your own

* 8:30 am - 10:45 am:

- Audio Description practicum--Individual description sessions with selected video scenes

* 10:45 am - 11:00 am:  break

* 11:00 am - 12:30 pm:

- The Mechanics of Audio Description

* 12:30 pm - 2:00 pm - INSTITUTE LUNCHEON

* 2:00 pm - 3:30 pm:

- Audio Description practicum--Individual description sessions with selected video scenes

* 3:30 pm - 3:45 pm:  break

* 3:45 pm - 5:00 pm:

* Audio Description in the U.S. and around the world

* Review / Discussion -- Graduation!

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