[Art_beyond_sight_educators] The Albino Code and actor Dennis Hurley

Lisa Yayla fnugg at online.no
Mon Jul 25 11:02:16 UTC 2011


Link to actor Dennis Hurley's site and his film The Albino Code.



Dennis Hurley

Writters statement

When May 19, 2006, rolls around, Ron Howard 
<http://imdb.com/name/nm0000165/>'s /The Da Vinci Code 
<http://www.sodarktheconofman.com>/ will hit theaters (well, barring any 
legal difficulties). For those of you who haven't read the novel, 
there's a heavily featured character named Silas, who's not only an Opus 
Dei <http://www.opusdei.com> monk and an assassin, he's also an albino. 
As someone with albinism <http://www.albinism.org>, I can tell you that 
albinism affects the pigment of the eyes, skin, and hair; vision 
problems are a key part of the condition---probably the most important 
part. In /The Da Vinci Code 
<http://www.davincicode.com>, Silas has red eyes, shoots people from far 
distances, and drives in a high-speed car chase at night. Putting aside 
the fact that people with albinism do not have red eyes, the activities 
that Silas engages in are nearly impossible for someone with albinism 
(at least for any that I've met, and I've met a lot of folks with our 
trademark paler-than-pale skin).

Dan Brown <http://www.danbrown.com> supposedly did his research in the 
area of religion, but he seemed to skip the albinism research entirely 
when he created Silas. Silas is a full, rich character in the book, I 
admit, but he bears no resemblance to a real-life person with albinism. 
As a result, Mr. Brown perpetuates the negative and fictional 
stereotypes of the evil albino with red eyes and/or supernatural powers 
that Hollywood has perpetuated for years (e.g. /End of Days 
<http://imdb.com/title/tt0146675/>/, /The Matrix Reloaded 
<http://imdb.com/title/tt0234215/>/, /Powder 

Admittedly, I did try my best to audition for the role of Silas, not to 
further the stereotype, but to bring my own sense of realism to the role 
(not to mention, landing a part in a Ron Howard film would have been a 
pretty big break for a struggling actor). Of course, that plum of a role 
went to Paul Bettany <http://imdb.com/name/nm0079273/> (/A Beautiful 
Mind <http://imdb.com/title/tt0268978/>/, /Wimbledon 
<http://imdb.com/title/tt0360201/>/) a non-albino from Brooklyn.

So, instead of complaining endlessly, I wrote a short film parody, 
entitled /The Albino Code/, with the following premise: "What if the 
story of /The Da Vinci Code/ could be told from Silas's point of view? 
And what if Silas were an actual person with albinism thrust into a 
world of secret codes, mystery, and assassination?" The film will be 
shot in early April, and will be available here on May 11, 2006 (one 
week before the release of /The Da Vinci Code/).

The Albino Code

Performing Arts Division of the National Federation of the Blind 

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