[Art_beyond_sight_educators] Fruchterman's blog, Diagram Center, Poet

Lisa Yayla Lisa.Yayla at statped.no
Fri Aug 19 07:58:14 UTC 2011


Link to Jim Fruchterman's blog about the Diagram Center.
In it gives some information about the image description web tool called

"I saw an initial demonstration of a web-based image description tool, called Poet. This makes it possible for people describing graphics (publisher production people, illustrators, alternative media producers like Benetech, and volunteers) to work from a standard web browser and interactively add image descriptions to DAISY books. The described book can then be re-published and made available to users who wish to have image descriptions voiced by digital talking book software tools or players, or have the descriptions in Braille."
Blog link



Vennlig hilsen

Lisa Yayla
Huseby kompetansesenter
Gamle Hovsetervei 3
0768 Oslo

Telefon 22029539
lisa.yayla at statped.no

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