[Art_beyond_sight_educators] Yea!! The Art Beyond Sight International Conference

Lisa Yayla Lisa.Yayla at statped.no
Wed Jan 11 10:11:07 UTC 2012

Forwarding information from Marie Clapot of Art Beyond Sight:

SAVE-A-DATE: International Conference this October

The Art Beyond Sight International Conference, cosponsored by Art Beyond Sight and The Metropolitan Museum of Art, will be held October 26 to 28, 2012 at The Metropolitan Museum of Art. The registration form and schedule will be posted on the conference's blog:

If you would like to receive automatic updates on the conference, please send an email to aeb at artbeyondsight.org<mailto:aeb at artbeyondsight.org> with your name and organization; please put "Conference" in the email's subject line.

Art Beyond Sight Awareness Month: New sign up

Starting this year, if you are already part of the Art Beyond Sight Awareness Month, you will be automatically added to the coming year's list of participants. Thus the names of all 2011 participating organizations are included on our 2012 materials. If you want your organization's name removed from the list, just send an email to aeb at artbeyondsight.org<mailto:aeb at artbeyondsight.org>  titled "Unsubscribe me" with the name of your institution. Please let us know if the contact person changed since last fall by sending us an email or calling (212) 334-8723.

Feel free to share information about the Art Beyond Sight Awareness Month with colleagues and friends who might be interested.

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