[Art_beyond_sight_educators] 3D photos, camera app, Craig Royal, exhibition

fnugg at online.no fnugg at online.no
Fri Aug 2 10:26:18 UTC 2013

3D Printed Photos can be Seen by the Visually Impaired
Amanda Ghassaei <http://www.instructables.com/id/3D-Printed-Photograph/> 
of Instructables has used an Objet Connex500 3D printer to add a sense 
of texture to photographs. The images are still meant to be viewed in 
2D, but the printer uses different thicknesses to create a silhouette 

Processing photos for the visually impaired

Camera tells the visually impaired where to focus

Dustin Adams, a PhD student from the University of California 
<http://www.ucsc.edu/>in Sta. Cruz, and his teammates have developed a 
camera app specifically for the visually impaired. The app provides 
audio instructions to a visually impaired person to help him/her focus 
the camera and take a good picture.

Adams and his team--who all work at the Interactive Systems for 
Individuals with Special Needs (ISIS) Lab 
<http://isis.soe.ucsc.edu/home>--ran a survey among 54 respondents 
  between the ages of 18 and 78 and asked about the difficulties they 
encounter when taking photos with a camera. The respondents had varying 
degrees of visual impairment--some were completely blind, some were 
partially blind, and some had a degree of light perception.

Researchers develop an app to help the blind take better photos

Researchers Create Smartphone App That Helps Blind Photographers Line Up 

Interview with Visually Impaired Fine Art Photographer Craig Royal 
Craig Royal: I'm a visually impaired fine art photographer. I'm legally 
blind due to a congenital form of optic nerve atrophy. I have been 
legally blind since birth. My vision had been 20/200 corrected up until 
1992, when a white blind spot began to develop in the center of my 
visual field in both eyes.

Craig Royal - Fine Art Photography <http://craigroyal.zenfolio.com/>

Meet Award-Winning Visually Impaired Photographer Craig Royal

Sight, memory and feeling explored at Prairie Gallery
Photographs that delve into the complexities of sight, memory and 
feeling will be on view at Prairie Gallery beginning Saturday, as 
Prairie hosts a selection of new photographs by the Seeing with 
Photography Collective, a group of blind, visually impaired and sighted 
artists from New York City.

Startup of the Week -- Invici Technologies 
Traditional computer and mobile devices are great for exploring imagery 
like diagrams, maps, tables and graphs if you can see them, but people 
with limited sight cannot use these products. As a result, the visually 
impaired community faces serious levels of under employment, reduced 
mobility and technology exclusion.

Enter Invici Technologies, a startup that's developing accessible 
computer interfaces to help the blind and visually impaired easily 
explore, edit and share digital media and spatial information. Invici 
transforms images that are normally displayed as pixels of light on a 
screen into a unique touch friendly format, saving users considerable 
time, money and frustration.

Founder and CEO, Doug Hagedorn says they are currently focused on 
creating technologies to help visually impaired students and their 
teachers exchange educational content in the classroom



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