[Art_beyond_sight_educators] Carmen Papalia

fnugg at online.no fnugg at online.no
Fri Jul 25 10:43:53 UTC 2014

Local artist goes blind for two years, never stopped painting

Blind Artist's Performance Explores Santa Ana
Carmen Papalia to Rely on Band Music to Guide Path Through City
As part of his performance piece, "Mobility Device," for the Grand 
Central Art Center (GCAC), blind artist Carmen Papalia will explore 
downtown Santa Ana on Saturday, *June 1*. He will rely on the Great 
Centurion Marching Band from Century High School in Santa Ana, instead 
of a cane, to provide musical cues indicating objects, obstacles and 
other information relevant to the artist on his journey. The public is 
welcome to follow Papalia and the band starting at 6 p.m., said John D. 
Spiak, GCAC director. Contact GCAC <mailto:jspiak at fullerton.edu> for 
more information, 714-567-7233.

Very interesting work
CUE is pleased to present Carmen Papalia's first solo exhibition: /Long 
Time No See/
Papalia's work, which takes the form of participatory public 
projects, explores the topic of access as it relates to public space, 
the Art institution, and visual culture---as the artist's own access is 
defined by a visual impairment. Papalia invites the participant to 
explore the possibilities for learning and knowing that become available 
through the non-visual senses, and to trust in the revelatory practice 
that is non-visual interpretation. Through exercises in trust and 
blind orienteering, participants discover new geographic contours from 
which to develop a sense of place. They begin to consider looking as one 
of the many ways to engage with and interpret their surroundings.
The core component of Papalia's exhibition will be a multichannel sound 
installation documenting a non-visual site mapping workshop that Papalia 
conducted in Vancouver, British Columbia, and a number of images and 
videos documenting various instances of Papalia's Blind Field Shuttle 
walking tour and his See for Yourself non-visual museum tour 
project---in which visitors close their eyes and embark on a one-on-one 
tour while art objects, architectural details and other museum visitors 
are described to them by a tour guide.

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