[Art_beyond_sight_educators] NFB STEM2U , tactile tools

Lisa Yayla Lisa.Yayla at statped.no
Tue Aug 5 08:01:28 UTC 2014


Forwarding some news from the National Federation of the Blind's newsletter:

NFB STEM2U Junior Application Deadline Extended!

The deadline for students in grades 3-6 (juniors) to apply for the upcoming NFB STEM2U program<http://nfb.org/sites/all/modules/civicrm/extern/url.php?u=3616&qid=528566> has been extended to August 15, 2014. We are looking for at least sixty students to apply to attend one of three regional STEM2U programs.

  *   Baltimore, Maryland; November 6-8, 2014
  *   Boston, Massachusetts; March 12-14, 2015
  *   Columbus, Ohio; May 14-16, 2015

NFB STEM2U participants will have the opportunity to engage in accessible STEM learning at some of the country's largest museums and science centers. Students will also have the opportunity to provide feedback to staff and educators about how the museum could better meet their nonvisual learning needs. In this way, participants will act as both learners and teachers. In the NFB STEM2U learning community, there is an understanding that no one person has all of the answers, but together we can overcome any barrier that we may encounter. Please encourage the students and families in your network to apply for NFB STEM2U today!

For more information, please contact the NFB STEM2U team at STEM at nfb.org<mailto:stem at nfb.org> or (410) 659-9314, extension 2312.

....the team from E.A.S.Y. LLC doing a hands-on demo of what their tablet can do to change how we create, change, and reproduce tactile graphics. The final session was copresented by Mike Kolitsky, online adjunct professor for biological sciences at the University of Texas at El Paso, and the AT team's Clara Van Gerven. Mike has been doing exploratory work on how to turn digital learning objects into 3D tactile objects, and has been an avid ambassador for the nascent field of 3D tactile graphics.



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