[Art_beyond_sight_learning_tools] Air drawing - sound drawing

Lisa Yayla Lisa.Yayla at statped.no
Thu Feb 12 13:33:59 UTC 2015

Hi Anne,

No have not tried it out yet. Wanted to hear what people thought about the idea – or if has been done before. We have a thermean.

Really liked the picture of using a frame over the tree to show what was on and off the picture frame.



Fra: Ann at acunningham.com [mailto:Ann at acunningham.com]
Sendt: 12. februar 2015 14:23
Til: Lisa Yayla; Art Beyond Sight Learning Tools
Emne: RE: [Art_beyond_sight_learning_tools] Air drawing - sound drawing

Hi Lisa,
    I think this sounds like it would be very fun and a vivid way to experience self-expression. I would love to try it with some students.

I do drawing and sculpting exercises that are somewhat similar. I based these classes on an exercised in Betty Edward's book Drawing on the Artist Within ( http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_ss_i_1_28?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=drawing+on+the+artist+within+betty+edwards=drawing+on+the+artist+within ) using a raised line drawing board or water-based clay the students explore ways to express their emotions. Pretty quickly it becomes apparent that people can't really do anything without giving their thoughts away. Sometimes we dance or even simply walk noticing how we do those things when we imagine ourselves being angry, sad, content or happy.

I have some photos of student's work at: http://www.sensationalbooks.com/workshops.html

Scroll down to the bottom of the page to a photo captioned;
The two plaster sculptures on the left are an abstract expression of happiness. The two plaster sculptures on the right are an abstract expression of anger.
The first plaster square on the left shows rounded shapes emerging from an undulating background.
The second square has a four gently ripples flowing from upper left to lower right. In the middle of the picture the center line is interrupted by one round shape protruding from the surface.
The third plaster square is expressing anger and it shows hundreds of little lines, made by a very thin blade, clustered on left and then on the right side. The two groups are connected with shallow wavy lines.
The forth plaster is diamond shaped. The surface texture on this piece has been created by the corner of a square stick being beaten on the surface of the clay over and over. The plaster shows the stick creating a pattern of square corners and sharp lines that looks almost like a rock crystal formation.

I will ask around to see if someone has a thermean that they might bring to class. Have you used this with students yet? Could you share a video if you do?

All best, Ann

Ann Cunningham
Tactile Art - a creative way to see the world!
303 238 4760
ann at acunningham.com<mailto:ann at acunningham.com>

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [Art_beyond_sight_learning_tools] Air drawing - sound drawing
From: Lisa Yayla via Art_beyond_sight_learning_tools
<art_beyond_sight_learning_tools at nfbnet.org<mailto:art_beyond_sight_learning_tools at nfbnet.org>>
Date: Thu, February 12, 2015 3:28 am
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I am writing to you to ask for your thoughts about a tool for aiding blind individuals who have never drawn before and /or have little concept of what drawing is to start them drawing. It would be a kind of "warm-up" or a proto-drawing technique.

The idea is to use a combination of a musical instrument, the Theremin, and a modified version of the teaching method called Write Dance. However, instead of writing being the aim, as in Write Dance, drawing is the aim.

The idea is:

1. Introduce hand movements - use the thermean to give audio feedback when moving hands within the instrument. The thermean lets one move one's hands freely in air giving off different sounds depending upon how hands are moved

2. These hand movements are then "transferred" to paper with pencil etc. That is after of drawing circles (or other movements) in the air one takes a pencil and does the same movement on a piece of paper (preferably one that gives a tactile line)

Again the idea is just to initiate hand movement on a piece of paper. It also includes the element of play - there is no right or wrong way to move hands.

The sounds one gets from different hand movements could have individual meanings to the "sound drawer". These meanings could then be made visible on paper - (to be a sort of a metaphor?)

Perhaps someone has already done this or something similar. Does anyone know? What do you think about the idea?



Write Dance




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