[Artbeyondsightmuseums] Sargy Mann, British painter, Dark Light, Blind art teacher, Legally Blind Kansas City Artist Has Art Show

fnugg at online.no fnugg at online.no
Tue Dec 28 12:34:24 UTC 2010

Really interesting film and article about Sargy Mann from the Guardian, 
plus links to articles about
artists, a recent art school graduate who is is blind, a blind art teacher.


article ,Video/film embedded in site- really interesting- artist talking 
through his art and vision
Sargy Mann: Probably the best Blind Painter in Peckham

The British painter Sargy Mann was diagnosed with cataracts at 36, and 
went on to lose his sight completely. But in his mind's eye his vision 
did not fade. Mann found new ways to keep working and today his 
paintings, collected by Daniel Day-Lewis among others, are more 
acclaimed than ever


f an artist discovers such a "new" language of seeing, Zeki argues, then 
the receptors in the brains of his or her audience can't get enough of 
it. "The brain demands knowledge," Zeki tells me. "It is constantly on 
the lookout for organising concepts." Art directly feeds that demand 
with new ways of looking.

Zeki is of course intrigued by Sargy Mann's condition, as well as being 
a longstanding admirer of his work. He has for a while been planning a 
series of experiments in which he connects the artist's brain to a 
scanner and ask him to imagine colour alongside people who are seeing it 
more conventionally, in order to compare the response in the colour 
centre of the brain, known as V4. "This would bear on a more general 
question, in which I'm also looking at whether mathematicians use a 
mathematical part of the brain, or literary people have a more developed 
literary area," he tells me. "In Sargy's case it is possible that the 
increased activity may be elsewhere and not in the colour area, that the 
brain has found a different way of doing it." ....

Dark Light: The Art of Blind Photographers 

Blind art teacher shares creative vision

Clarence "Chick" Blumberg studies a pencil drawing of a tree. He leans 
close and peers at it with the help of a compact rectangular magnifying 

"Why is it so light, so pale?" he asks the budding artist Harry 
Overbaugh, 87, of Hilltown. "It doesn't have any values."


Legally Blind Kansas City Artist Has Art Show!
Gladstone Arts Commission presents Fixing Apart the Pieces new work by 
Stephen C. Proski

PRLog (Press Release) -- Nov 19, 2010 -- Legally blind Artist, Stephen 
C. Proski who recently graduated from the Kansas City Art Institute is 
having his most recent work unveiled at the City of Gladstone Community 
Center on December 7, 2010 between 6PM to 8PM


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