[Artbeyondsightmuseums] {Spam?} American Council of the Blind/Audio Description Project 2016 ADP Conference
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Mon Apr 4 10:53:35 UTC 2016
As of April 2, 2016
2016 Audio Description Project (ADP) Conference
An Initiative of the American Council of the Blind (ACB)
Hyatt Regency - 1300 Nicollet Mall - Minneapolis MN
July 3-5, 2016
Audio Description (AD) makes visual images accessible for people who are
blind or have low vision. Using words that are succinct, vivid, and
imaginative, media describers convey the visual image from television
and film that is not fully accessible to a significant segment of the
population (more than 21 million Americans experience significant vision
The signing of the 21st Century Communications and Video Accessibility
Act has spawned a virtual cottage industry for the development of
description for broadcast television.
Who Should Attend
** Anyone interested in:
-working as freelance description writers for broadcast television
-becoming involved with*
a local performing arts program
-being a describer for visual art exhibitions
-experienced audio describers wishing to network with leaders in the
field from around the globe
** Per*
forming arts and museum administrators
** Audio description consumers
** Media industry representatives
Topics Include
(see complete agenda below)
- Getting the Most Out of the ADP Website: How to Access Audio Described
TV, Movies, and Videos
- *
The ADA + 504 + 508 = Accessibility
Teachers and Audio Description
- Minneapolis-Audio Description Heaven!
- Audio Description and Broadcast Television
- Audio Description-The Best It Can Be - analysis of audio described
- AD Around The World
- Meet the Audio Description Consumer
- Legislative Update
- Keynote presentation by Rick Boggs of Audio Eyes
Registration Fee -
- ACB Members: $149.00
- Individuals/Non-Profit Organization representatives: $199.00
- For-Profit Organization representatives: $299.00
A Tuesday, July 5 luncheon will be provided. Please contact
jsnyder at acb.org
<http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?f=001kDHPkOklXDnLHs43Aziw9DXd3a94qmC318C4cTspejpFXXBBvlzAlOJWyPAQ4cMzeJ9r9KrIkS2OpkrueEMf44BzrMalRijrBSpyEfEb5qA8N7UE1TlS51zrzA-tUeYUJF1vli4C6qhb_tUwpyJ0n-ksXPXldk6S&c=FUgEjpo-LBKHsX2l-eQtTpgj2hGNZzOGR56pKqc-0GP3JzEnTsV07A==&ch=FWMBP5lJfNje9wYkIs4fE87oQdaN4qClkeK0bFjvPwGKkkydodIr7Q==> concerning
any special dietary requirements.
Registration for the ACB 2016 Conference and Convention is included.
NOTE: Individuals who register for the ADP Conference (July 3-5) as
well as the AD Institute training sessions (July 6-8-tuition: $495)
qualify for a special discounted rate:
$599.00 For information regarding the AD Institute, visit
Room rates at the Hyatt Regency hotel are $89.00 single or double.
There is an additional $10.00 per night charge per person for up to four
people in a room. Applicable state and local taxes are currently 13.4%.
For reservations by telephone call Central Reservations at
1-888-421-1442. Make sure to mention you are attending the ACB
convention in order to obtain our room rate.
To make reservations online go to
To Register
On-line, AS OF APRIL 15, 2016, visit
For questions or additional information, contact
Joel Snyder at jsnyder at acb.org
202 467-5083 or 301 920-0218.
Day I - Sunday, July 3, 2016
1:00 pm-1:45 pm Welcome/Introduction to the ADP -
Kim Charlson, President, American Council of the Blind
Dan Spoone, Chair, ADP Committee
Jo Lynn Bailey-Page, Chair, ADP Conference Sub-
Dr. Joel Snyder, Director, ADP
1:45 pm-2:45 pm Getting the Most Out of the ADP Website: How to Access
Audio Described TV, Movies, and Videos -
Fred Brack, ADP Webmaster
2:45 pm-3:00 pm break
3:00 pm-3:45 pm Legislative Update -
A review of the current status of the 21st Century Communications and
Video Accessibility Act's mandates for broadcast description; broadcast
description in the digital era (via smart phone apps, for example) and
the FCC; Department of Education funding for broadcast description.
Eric Bridges, Executive Director, American Council of the
Anthony Stephens, Director of Advocacy and
Governmental Affairs, ACB
Eliot J. Greenwald, Deputy Chief, Disability Rights Office,
Consumer and Governmental Affairs Bureau,
Federal Communications Commission
Matt Kaplowitz, Bridge Multimedia (Department of
Education grant recipient)
3:45 pm-5:15 pm The ADA + 504 + 508 = Accessibility -
Chaired by Pat Sheehan, Section 508 Coordinator,
Department of Veterans Affairs.
How does existing law at the federal level support audio description?
The Americans With Disabilities Act, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation
Act of 1973 (as amended) and Section 508 of the Workforce
Rehabilitation Act mandate accommodations for people with disabilities.
Experts in access and legislation will outline how these important
legislative actions provide for audio description. Panelists include:
Beth Bienvenu, Director of AccessAbility, National
Endowment for the Arts (via Skype)
Anita Walker, Executive Director, Massachusetts Cultural
Council (invited)
Mark Urban, Section 508 Coordinator, Centers for Disease
Control and Prevention (invited)
5:15 pm-6:00 pm Mentoring Meet-Up -
Chaired by Susan Glass, ADP Steering Committee.
For the second time, the ACB Audio Description Project is offering its
unique "mentorship" program: sighted attendees of the Audio Description
Project Conference will be paired with a blind or visually impaired
mentor. The best describers develop an understanding of the audience
for whom they are providing a critical service. What better opportunity
for such interaction than at the ACB Conference and Convention, where
some 1500 blind people will likely be present? (Sunday evening on July
3 and mornings on Monday and Tuesday, July 4 and 5 are kept open for
attendance at ACB Convention plenary sessions.)
At this meet-and-greet session, ADP Conference attendees will have the
opportunity to meet and be mentored by an ACB member/description
enthusiast and join him/her for the opening plenary session of the ACB
Conference and Convention AND at least two other activities during the
sessions over the next two mornings-e.g., touring the exhibit hall
together, attending an affiliate meeting or an additional ACB general
session, taking a walk, eating a meal together, or watching an audio
described film. We hope that these interactions will give you lots of
practical experience interacting with a blind person-and you may forge a
new friendship and increase understanding between the sighted and the
blind communities.
Dinner on your own
7:00 pm-10:00 pm - ACB Opening Session
Day II - Monday, July 4, 2016
1:30 pm-3:00 pm Teachers and Audio Description --
Chaired by Jo Lynn Bailey-Page and Susan Glass, ACB
Steering Committee
Programs like the Described and Captioned Media Program (DCMP) and
several published papers have demonstrated how teachers can use audio
description as a classroom aide and can build literacy for all
students. Panelists include:
- a representative from the DCMP (invited)
- Judy Dixon of the National Library Service (invited)
- Hillary Kleck, mother of the vibrant 9-year-old Madilyn who happens to
be blind (invited)
- Carla Hayes, First Vice-President, American Association
of Blind Teachers
- Kim Charlson, President, ACB and Librarian, Perkins
School for the Blind.
Our special guests attending this session are members of the American
Association of Blind Teachers.
3:00 pm-3:15 pm break
3:15 pm-4:45 pm Minneapolis-Audio Description Heaven!-
Chaired by Jon Skaalen, Executive Director, VSA MN
Minneapolis has a wealth of audio description available at area
theaters, museums, performing arts centers, in media, in museums, and at
and other venues. Jon Skaalen will provide an overview of all of this
activity and the secrets of its success. Local describers and consumers
of audio description will share their perspectives. Panelists TBD.
4:45 pm-6:00 pm Audio Description and Broadcast Television -
How and where do audio describers become employed, especially for film
and TV? What about opportunities for AD consumers to contribute to the
Matt Kaplowitz, Bridge Multimedia, supervisor of description for
nationally broadcast television and feature films, will chair the
session with panelists:
Rick Boggs, Audio Eyes
Peter Burke, Accessible Media, Inc. (Toronto)
Diane Johnson, Descriptive Video Works (Vancouver) via
A representative from CaptionMax based in Minneapolis.
Dinner on your own
Day III - Tuesday, July 5, 2016
1:00 pm-2:30 pm Luncheon with guest speaker -
Rick Boggs
Mr. Boggs is the Founder and General Manager of Audio Eyes, Inc. based
in Los Angeles. Rick Boggs is a leader in making audio production tools
accessible for audio professionals with vision loss. He has demonstrated
a strong commitment to developing strategies to improve the quality of
audio description through inclusion of blind professionals in the
production process. In 2003, Mr. Boggs, then President of We See TV,
received the California Governor's Trophy at the National Business
Leadership Conference for his inclusive employment practices. He employs
numerous blind and disabled voice-over artists and recording engineers
at We See TV. Among a range of issues, Rick will address the future of
AD delivery via apps and smartphones and how consumers can most
effectively provide feedback to description producers.
Rick Boggs was the 2013 recipient of the ADP's Barry Levine Memorial
Career Achievement Award in Audio Description.
2:30 pm-2:45 break
2:45 pm-4:15 pm Audio Description-The Best It Can Be -
Coordinated by Dr. Joel Snyder, this session will provide all attendees
an opportunity to evaluate excerpts from audio described films. As a
group, we'll try to answer: How do providers of description know they
are doing a good job? What criteria can be used to assess quality in
audio description? How do describers/description producers know if AD
consumers are getting the most out of a described video or film? Film
clips with audio description provided by the U.K.'s Your Local Cinema, a
comprehensive list of described videos, films and DVDs. Derek Brandon,
coordinator of the Your Local Cinema website will join us via Skype.
4:15 pm-5:45 pm AD Around The World (panelists in person and via Skype) -
Chaired by Dr. Joel Snyder
What in the world? AD, actually. This session will introduce you to
the world-wide spread of audio description with presentations by:
Dr. Bernd Benecke of Bayerischer Rundfunk (German
television), and author of Audio Description *
As Partial
Translation - Model and Method
Dr. Pilar Orero, Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona
Sonali Rai, Royal National Institute of Blind People
Dr. Francisco Lima, Federal University of Pernambuco,
Recife, Brazil and Andrea Garbelotti, *
Founder, AG-
Tradução, Interpretação e Áudio-descrição, Sao Paulo,
Diane Johnson, President, Descriptive Video Works,
Vancouver, Canada (via Skype).
Shakila Maharaj, AD Consumer, Durban, South Africa, and Dr. William
Rowland, AD Consumer *
and former President,
World Blind Union, Pretoria, South Africa
Nicola Owen, freelance describer, Auckland, New Zealand
5:45 pm-6:00 pm Conference Conclusion/Wrap-Up -
Acknowledgement of 2016 ACB-ADP Audio Description Achievement Award winners
Evening - Meeting/Reception with the ACB International Committee
(separate fee)
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