[Blind-international-students] Measuring

Anna Givens annajee82 at gmail.com
Thu Jun 6 23:57:37 UTC 2013

Hi all, I am not sure what would be the best list to ask this question on but Im posting it on a couple of lists.  
I am trying to figure out a way to measure out my baby niece's liquid medication.  There is a syringe with  markings on it which I can see just fine.  But the medication is almost transparent so it is very hard for me to tell when it reaches the appropriate markings.  When Im measuring out darker liquid meds, I have no trouble seeing it. But with this clear one, I dont know what to do, other than have a sighted person do it every time (twice every day).  I am going to be taking care of her while my sister goes out of town for 10 days, so I am hoping to find out a way to do this on my own.  Any suggestions would be much appreciated!


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