[Blind-international-students] So what is "structured discovery"?

Everett Gavel everett at everettgavel.com
Mon Jan 6 16:25:12 UTC 2014

Good Morning, Dan,

An example of Structured Discovery would be when
the O&M instructor follows along with the student,
nearby enough to keep them out of danger should
any real danger begin to show itself, but where
the instructor mostly lets the student figure
things out on their own as much as possible.
Basically it's letting the student fumble around a
bit if it comes to that, letting them process the
situation for themselves and giving them a chance
to truly learn, rather than being given the
answers as to where they might be, where & how
they need to proceed, etc.

I spent 9 months under blindfold, at the Louisiana
Center for the Blind, in 2010. Previous to that,
in 1994, soon after losing most of my sight, I
spent 4 months under blindfold during travel, at
the Daytona Beach Rehab Center for the Blind. I
grasp and generally agree with the sentiment that
an O&M instructor need not be sighted to teach or
properly "protect" their students.

Structured Discovery is the term used by leading
International Centers for "blindness skills"
training here in the USA and in various places
around the world.

Now, of course, if you're coming from a cynical
standpoint and aren't really looking for an
answer, so be it. There are many who live such
lives. To each their own. Me, I've had it proven
to me first-hand, on numerous occasions, as to the
simple validity and truth of such training. If you
were really looking for an answer, though, well
there it is, take it or leave it. Enjoy your week,
Sir. Always happy to help when and where I can.

Strive On, Dan, Strive On!

Everett Gavel
Successful Adaptations, llc
"Achieving Success -- Through Better Access"
everettg at successfuladaptations.com
(719) 510-8017

----- Original Message ----- 
> Would be wonderful if someone gave me a
> down-to-earth example of structured
> discovery mobility training aas anyone I've
> asked has not given me anything
> that makes sense, give me examples from real
> life please so I can
> understand--smile.
> Dan W.

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