[Blind-International-Students] Huntington Avenue, Jaws disappearance

Mostafa Almahdy mostafa.almahdy at gmail.com
Fri Jun 5 11:32:37 UTC 2020

Hello everyone, I hope you are keeping really well. Loosely, Freedom
scientific is by far the largest manufacturer of the most famous
screen reader worldwide. Nonetheless, in the recent years, Jaws has
been coerced to enter a tallying rivalry. Subsequent to the
development and mass embracement of the concept of free screen
readers, the trait of merchandising Jaws globally has been
substantially lowered. Many people became more interested in free
screen readers solution. I certainly do not destine to promote
something in particular on that regard. Nonetheless, I’d aim to argue
for the approbative, as to the absolute necessity to dispose of this
immense illusion, that Jaws is invincible. People have been
manipulated to incorrectly assume, that major computer tasks are
undone properly unless you use Jaws. This is a biased standpoint. I
have shifted to free screen readers and I am quite satisfied with
their brilliant outcome. I simply am carrying on all primal computer
chores. At work and home, I  conveniently interact with various
applications. The question I have for Freedom Scientific affiliates
and Jaws fans, why would I spend thousands of dollars on a license of
a software that is now utterly contested and possibly rather
surmounted? Freedom Scientific regularly releases consecutive
versions, to somewhat compel the user to upgrade frequently, so they
could keep their profit margin on the rise. Even, illegal users,
Freedom Scientific benefits from them in indirect manner. The right to
freely access information is unexclusive and it has to be supremely
prioritised. Moreover, purchasing Jaws is absolutely unaffordable for
many people, especially, those who permanently reside in developing
nations, like myself. The concept of open source screen readers is
intemperately advocated for from ethical perspective. Freedom
Scientific takes advantage of the Jaws stereotype, so they could sell
further licenses and extend their technological ascendancy per say, as
farther as they possibly could. Their marketing team convinces
colleges, that in order for their visually impaired students to
perform well, they must buy Jaws for them. Thence, Freedom Scientific
essentially relies on orders given by enormous organisations, as of
colleges, popular associations for the blind et cetera. However, if
they would have relied on the actual user, they may have ended up
losing a fortune. Also, the concept of open source screen readers is a
decent alternative to get rid of the moral crisis of tolerating
software piracy, as to those who couldn’t afford buying a genuine
copy. I unfortunately used to be one of those who copied and used Jaws
illicitly. I reposed my conscience for quite awhile. Now, I halted
doing that. I was one of those who were quite cozened about Jaws and
its unvanquishable stance. I urge Freedom Scientific staff to sternly
redress their current situation. Despite its popularity, Jaws is
factually now clobbered with unrestricted alternatives. People at
Freedom Scientific must recognise this reality and deal with it. Many
people including myself, do not have the motive to buy Jaws, as long
as its free counterpart is constantly available. It makes everything
beautifully accessible, just like Jaws and possibly even better. So,
the logical question here is, why would I buy Jaws, even in the
theoretical instance of affording it, if I could equally cope with
demands executing plenty of free alternatives? This question is
gravely valid. I keenly await responses from Freedom Scientific staff
to argue their case and attempt to sustain their proposition, that
Jaws is practically unparalleled. I must mention here, that I have
been using Jaws for nearly fifteen years. I got a licence in twenty
ten and, after one year, due to  long hassle with Freedom Scientific,
they terminated my license. I then started using Jaws illegally
because I was one of those victims of the Jaws incomparable elusion.
One year ago, I switched to the free alternative. Honestly, I didn’t
catch any major difference when I switched to the unrestricted
substitute. I use many voices and languages just freely. In addition,
isn’t the right of equal information access is essentially governed by
United Nations declaration of human rights tenets? Couldn’t Freedom
Scientific be breaching such crucial contract? I think it will be
lovely to make this comparison as to tech and moral perspective
simultaneously. Thank you so much for reading and, I keenly look
forward to hearing from you. Cordially, Mustafa

(Seeking knowledge is compulsory from cratle to grave because it is a
shoreless ocean.)

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