[Blind-rollers] survey

Becky Frankeberger b.butterfly at comcast.net
Sat Sep 12 14:57:51 UTC 2009

I wanted a career just in case I did via an accident enjoy my time in a
wheelchair.  I have knitting machines that I can as planned work from my
wheelchair. I am still working and loving the products I produce.  My last
project was a lovely luxurious winter scarf.

Becky and my joy wheels   
b.butterfly at comcast.net
-----Original Message-----
From: blind-rollers-bounces at nfbnet.org
[mailto:blind-rollers-bounces at nfbnet.org] On Behalf Of AgapeDEW at aol.com
Sent: Friday, September 11, 2009 8:55 PM
To: blind-rollers at nfbnet.org
Subject: Re: [Blind-rollers] survey

Ok, all, since talking careers.  Do you all think I could be trained  using 
my equipment to be an office nurse since I have my nursing license?   I was 
thinking of volunteering to see what it involves.  See if my  equipment 
would adapt?
In a message dated 9/11/2009 10:39:42 P.M. Central Daylight Time,  
lauraeaves at yahoo.com writes:

Oh I  know there are blind teachers -- I've known some of them, and even  
considered doing it for a while but things just went another way and I  
became a computer programmer...
I was only bringing it up because the  survey seemed to focus on blind 
students and didn't say anything about the  teacher.
I could give some advice, but I'm still coping. The kids I teach  are 
wonderful though, even the wild ones. They even listen now and  
Keep rolling!

----- Original Message  ----- 
From: "Becky Frankeberger" <b.butterfly at comcast.net>
To:  "'Blind wheelchair users list'" <blind-rollers at nfbnet.org>
Sent:  Friday, September 11, 2009 9:49 PM
Subject: Re: [Blind-rollers]  survey

I know many blind teachers.  Sarah teaches science to  eighth graders. Kathy
teaches English and litterture to high school  students.  Both handle dog
guides and both teach sighted  children.  Rebecca teaches Spanish to blind
children. She is  blind.  I taught Sunday school.

My husband who is blind taught in  a University for a while.  Ed Eames 
in the  University.

There isn't much a blind person can't do.

Becky and  my joy wheels
-----Original Message-----
From:  blind-rollers-bounces at nfbnet.org
[mailto:blind-rollers-bounces at nfbnet.org]  On Behalf Of qubit
Sent: Friday, September 11, 2009 6:44 PM
To: Blind  wheelchair users list
Subject: Re: [Blind-rollers] survey

What about  blind teachers? Are there tips for teachers of sighted children
by a blind  teacher?
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Devona Abel"  <djasister at windstream.net>
To: "Blind wheelchair users list"  <blind-rollers at nfbnet.org>
Sent: Friday, September 11, 2009 8:03  PM
Subject: Re: [Blind-rollers] survey

Send this to me privately  please.

djasister at windstream.net
----- Original  Message ----- 
From: Becky Frankeberger
To: 'Blind  wheelchair users list'
Sent: Wednesday, September 09, 2009 4:39  PM
Subject: [Blind-rollers] survey

X-Antispam: NO;  Spamcatcher 5.2.1. Score 50

Please send the answers if you  choose to fill this out to Judy.
Email:  jredlich at joniandfriends.org



Judy wrote:

In  collaboration with Joni and Friends, Judy Redlich, the manager of  the
Missouri office of Joni and Friends.  will be writing a  chapter for a
to help pastors and teachers understand how  to assist blind persons most
effectively. She is seeking insights  from others who are blind in hopes
the tips shared might  help blind persons be accepted, welcomed, and
eventually integrated  into the congregations they attend. All answers to a
prepared  questionnaire will be kept confidential, and no last names  used.

She needs all responses by September 15.

Thanks in advance.

Email: jredlich at joniandfriends.org
Beginning of Questionaire


Address:________________________________________ City, State,


In collaboration with Joni and  Friends, I will be writing a chapter for a
manual to help pastors  and teachers understand how to assist blind persons
most  effectively.  I am seeking insights from others who are blind  in
that the tips shared might help blind persons be  accepted, welcomed, and
eventually integrated into the congregations  they attend.  All answers
be kept confidential, and no  last names used.

Please tell me a little bit about yourself and  your






What do you enjoy doing



What is your

How long have you been
What  caused your



Do you read Braille?    Yes       No
Do you read large print? Yes      No
Do  you use a magnifier and read regular print? Yes    No

Do you use a computer or other talking or paperless Braille  device?   Yes
If yes - please



What adaptable software do you have (if


Do you attend a disability friendly church?     Yes     No
What does the church provide for you or  other blind or partially sighted
folks in the  congregation?








Do you feel what they provide is adequate?    Yes      No



What would be some innovative things the church could provide  and/or do to
assist its blind  constituency






If you had the chance to be open and honest with your pastor  or other
parishioners about your blindness and give them some tips  on how they
assist blind people better, what would those  tips  be?________






Do you feel like you do more reaching out to others in your  church than
reach out to you for friendship?    Yes   No
Explain or give




Do you find yourself seeking out help at your church, rather  than have
people offer help? Yes No Explain or give




What three things do you wish others would volunteer to help  you with in
every day life: please list and  elaborate









Do others see you as a valuable volunteer and ask for your  assistance?
No Explain or give







Additional comments or








Thank you so much for taking the time to fill in this  questionnaire.
return it to:
Judy  Redlich
Manager, Joni and Friends Gateway
Email:  jredlich at joniandfriends.org
Feel free to call me at:  314-644-6908

** Please pass this survey along to anyone else you  think might be
interested in participating in this  project.

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