[Blind-rollers] Looking for additional participants for research study examining experiences navigating

Ravi Kuber rkuber at umbc.edu
Sun Sep 23 18:07:16 UTC 2018

*Apologies for cross posting*

Dear Members of the Mailing List,

Thanks for those of you who have already participated in our research 
study (University of California Irvine and University of Maryland 
Baltimore County).  We are still seeking participants for the study 
examining experiences of indoor navigation among individuals with 
disabilities (UMBC IRB - Y19RK12016).  We are seeking to interview 
individuals who identify with both visual and physical disabilities to 
identify their experiences when navigating or planning routes.  The 
findings would help us better understand ways in which navigational 
technologies could be better designed to match the needs of a wider 
selection of users. The interviews would last 45 minutes, conducted over 
phone or Skype.  A small giftcard is also available for your 
participation. If you would be interested in participating, could you 
please contact Dr. Ravi Kuber at rkuber at umbc.edu.



Ravi Kuber, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Department of Information Systems
Email: rkuber at umbc.edu
Web : http://www.umbc.edu/~rkuber

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