[Blind-Rollers] Struggling with cerebral palsy from the past and having difficulty walking and wanted to talk to people about possibly using a electric wheelchair with a cane

joseph hudson jhud7789 at twc.com
Thu Dec 16 06:35:38 UTC 2021

Hello, my name is josephhudson. I'm a new member to this list but some of you might know me from other groups that I participated in regarding the NFB. I come to you guys oday, because I have some questions that I need answers to and I think that you guys might be just the place to di mind you, I was born at birth blind. The doctors told my parents that no longer be able to walk soon as I was born. My mom prove them wrong. And I was able to walk but not very far. I was younger they were able to push me in a manual wheelchair. Now I'm barely over 30, and my parents are older now and I have gained much more weight than what I used to weigh whenever I was younger. And I'm having issues with my leg once again. I started out in September troubleshooting with my doctor in the biomed department. Which gave me some meds that have helped tremendously with the pain. But here in recent weeks, because I got concerned about my liver levels, they told me that I needed to cut the pill in half. So I reached out to the orthopedic surgeon before this, and I got him to do an MRI of my leg. And it goes to show that I have a bruised
Bone. Whenever I went to him on 28 November. He was able to tell me that I had a bruised bone but he didn't know what to do next. He told me to go back to him in January if the issue continues to arise. So I reached out to him yesterday and put a message into his team, letting them know what was going on. Thanking oh no, they will go ahead and ask him about me going back to this other medication that I was taking that was helping. No they want me to come in, so I'm going in in January. Now to my question, I'm thinking about purchasing a wheelchair, and for that point and electric one what are y'all's recommendations for somebody who is blind, as far as this issue. Has there been anybody that has been able to use an electric wheelchair and use a cane? I surely wouldn't want to be holding onto my mother father and using the chair at the same time today I wouldn't want to run them over. So thoughts please?

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