[blindkid] NFB Camp and NOPBC schedules and registration
Carrie Gilmer
carrie.gilmer at gmail.com
Tue Mar 10 00:11:35 UTC 2009
I have been given the go ahead to post the NFB Camp schedule and its
registration forms, I am putting them in the body of this as well as
attaching for the attachment challenged. Remember the Camp and NOPBC forms
are separate and you must do both; send NFB Camp forms off to Oregon and
NOPBC off to Minnesota if you want both. NFB Camp is for children age six
weeks to ten years. I know you people are really smart and can handle
behind you, and me, and be sure you get in to the things you want most.
These are the final proofs for publication in April. Please share. Soon NFB
Camp will be at www.mainstreetmontessori.org
<http://www.mainstreetmontessori.org/> as well, look for NFB Camp link.
Carrie Gilmer, President
National Organization of Parents of Blind Children
A Division of the National Federation of the Blind
NFB National Center: 410-659-9314
Home Phone: 763-784-8590
carrie.gilmer at gmail.com
NFB Camp: It's More Than Child's Play
by Carla McQuillan
Programs and Activities: During convention week children six
weeks through ten years of age are invited to join in the fun and
festivities of NFB Camp. NFB Camp offers more than just childcare; it is an
opportunity for our blind and sighted children to meet and develop lifelong
friendships. Our activity schedule is filled with games, crafts, and
special performances designed to entertain, educate, and delight. If you
are interested in this year's program, please complete and return the
registration form provided at the end of this article. Preregistration with
payment on or before June 15, 2009, is required for staffing purposes.
Space is limited, so get your registration in early.
About the Staff: NFB Camp is organized and supervised by Carla
McQuillan, the executive director of Main Street Montessori Association,
operating three schools, parent education courses, and a teacher-training
program. Carla is the mother of two children and a longtime leader in the
National Federation of the Blind.
Alison McQuillan-camp worker and teacher since 1998-will be our
activities director again this year. Over the years we have recruited
professional childcare workers from the local community to staff NFB Camp.
Recently we have determined that recruiting from our Federation families
results in workers with proper philosophy and attitudes about our blind
children. Carla and Alison will be supervising camp workers and all related
Activities and Special Events: The children are divided into
groups according to age: infants and toddlers, preschoolers, and
school-aged children. Each room is equipped with a variety of
age-appropriate toys, games, and books. In addition, school-aged children
will have the opportunity to sign up for half-day trips to local area
attractions. Some of the planned events include excursions to the River Walk
to play in the park and a large group trip to Bouncin' Kids. Dates, times,
additional fees, and sign-ups for field trips will be included in the
registration packet. Space for special events is limited to enrolled NFB
Campers only, on a first-come, first-served basis. On the final day of NFB
Camp we will conduct a big toy sale-brand new toys at bargain prices.
Banquet Night: NFB Camp will be open during general convention
sessions, division and committee meeting day, and the evening of the
banquet. Plenty of teens are always available to babysit during evening and
luncheon meetings. We will have a list of babysitters at the NFB Camp table
at convention.
Please use the NFB Camp registration form to reserve your
child's space.
Division Day Field Trip, Bouncin' Kids
On Sunday afternoon, July 5, children ages five to ten are
invited to experience Bouncin' Kids. This gymnasium-like facility features
dozens of inflatable structures for sliding, bouncing, and general romping.
The $25 fee includes transportation, a camp t-shirt, admission, and an ice
cream treat. In addition to the extra staff available at the facility, we
will be bringing some of our own staff to supervise the event. Because we
are limited on space, our regular NFB Camp attendees will have priority for
participation on this field trip. All registration will be handled on a
first-come, first-served basis, so get your paperwork in early.
NFB Camp Registration Form
For children six weeks through ten years
Completed form and fees must be received on or before June 15, 2009.
Parent's Name ____________________________________________________
Address _________________________________________________________
City _______________ State___________ Zip______ Home Phone _______________
Cell Phone _______________ Cell Phone _______________
Child(ren)'s Name(s)
________________________________ Age______ Date of
________________________________ Age______ Date of
________________________________ Age______ Date of
Include description of any disabilities or allergies we should know about:
Who, other than parents, is allowed to pick up your child(ren)?
Per Week: $80 first child, $60 siblings No. of children______
(Does not include banquet)
Per Day: $20 per child per day No. of days_____x$20/child
(Does not include banquet)
Banquet: $15 per child No. of children
______ $_________
Total due $_________
We understand that NFB Camp is being provided as a service to
make our convention more enjoyable for both parents and children. We will
pick up children immediately following sessions. We understand that if our
child does not follow the rules or if for any reason staff is unable to care
for our child, further access to childcare will be denied.
Parent's Signature ______________________________________ Date
Make checks payable to NFB Camp. Return form to NFB Camp, 5005 Main Street,
Springfield, Oregon 97478; (541) 726-6924.
NFB Camp Schedule
NFB Camp will be open during general convention sessions,
Division and Committee Meeting Day, and the evening of the banquet. Times
listed are the opening and closing times of NFB Camp. Children are not
accepted earlier than the times listed, and a late fee of $10 will be
assessed for all late pick-ups. NFB Camp provides morning and afternoon
snacks. You are responsible to provide lunch for your children every day.
Date NFB Camp Hours
Friday, July 3 8:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m.
Saturday, July 4 Camp is closed.
Sunday, July 5 8:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. and
1:00 p.m.-5:30 p.m.
Monday, July 6 9:00 a.m.-12:30 p.m. and 1:30 p.m.-5:30
Tuesday, July 7 8:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. and 1:30
p.m.-5:30 p.m.
Wednesday, July 8 8:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. and 1:30 p.m.-5:30
Banquet 6:30 p.m.-30 minutes after closing
You are required to provide lunch for your child each day. These times may
vary, depending on the timing of the actual convention sessions. NFB Camp
will open thirty minutes before the beginning gavel and close thirty minutes
after sessions recess.
The Future Is Ours and Theirs
NOPBC 2009 Annual Conference
by Carrie Gilmer
From the Editor: Carrie Gilmer is the new, extremely energetic
and dedicated president of the National Organization of Parents of Blind
Children (NOPBC). She has prepared the following information to give
families of blind kids a glimpse into what is in store for them at this
summer's NFB convention when the NOPBC gets together. This is what she says:
The future belongs to those who can anticipate it and take it in
hand. This takes a certain level of power, foresight, commitment,
confidence, and often just plain hard work. When my husband and I first
learned our son Jordan was blind, we had the feeling his future had been
snatched away. We had no experience with blindness. We had lost the feeling
that his future was ours, and ultimately his, to mold. Something beyond us,
blindness, now seemed to limit what he could do, no matter how good we were
as parents, no matter how bright and cheery or good he was himself.
While we hoped a normal future was possible, at first we could
not imagine how to lay a foundation for it. We lacked knowledge about
blindness skills and therefore felt powerless to help him; his future seemed
suspended until we could get some answers. We sought someone with accurate
knowledge who would tell us what to do. We had the commitment, we had the
love and were ready to work hard, but we did not know how to get that future
back again.
Though they wanted very much to help, the doctors could not tell
us what to do. Our families, friends, and neighbors did not know what to do,
but they tried to offer something because they loved us. Much of the advice
and questions from these well-meaning family and friends demonstrated at
least as much ignorance as our own. They asked, "Aren't there eye
transplants?" They advised, "Make him eat lots of carrots." We concluded
that we needed professional help, someone who was an expert in blindness. We
looked to the schools. We just assumed that someone who was specially
trained and who had been working with the blind for decades would be an
expert with accurate knowledge. Soon, though, the suggestions and actions of
our school experts seemed to make no more sense than those suggestions we
had received from the totally inexperienced. Meanwhile Jordan struggled and
was falling behind in school. We were getting more concerned about his
future rather than less.
Then we discovered the National Federation of the Blind. We met
a wide variety of blind people who had taken their futures into their own
hands. What an array of normal futures! We also met professionals who
recognized the blind as the true experts and worked with them as colleagues.
These professionals also recognized parents as experts and colleagues. We
met other parents who had become experts and were willing to share their
knowledge and support so it would be less difficult for us than it had been
for them. The blind, parents, and professionals were working side by side.
We always knew it was our responsibility as parents to chart the course of
Jordan's early life, but our power to navigate had been temporarily lost.
The blind people, parents, and professionals in the NFB gave us the right
navigational tools. We became empowered to be the navigators while he was
young and to teach him how to navigate for himself more and more as he grew.
It takes a village to raise a child, any child. And we all know
that the future is dependent upon the power, capabilities, and imagination
of the next generation. Young children do not already possess the power,
experience, knowledge, or skill to navigate their own futures. The whole
purpose of raising them is to teach them how to do it--to be ready as adults
able to navigate in the real world. It is after all, in the end, their
futures we are talking about. The independent futures of our children,
futures that truly belong to them, cannot be shaped only by professionals,
or only by the blind, or only by parents of the blind-we need each other,
and our children need all of us to believe in them and to work on their
Nowhere other than at an NFB convention can parents,
professionals, and blind people find each other in the same numbers and with
the same resources acting out the definition of team, moving the futures of
blind children toward real freedom and normal possibility. For nearly
twenty-five years Barbara Cheadle, president emerita of the NOPBC, planned
and oversaw NOPBC annual conferences that empowered thousands of families to
shape the futures of their blind children. Traditions were created and have
come to be loved. A standard of excellence was set, a tone established. This
is my first conference as the new NOPBC president. It is harder to invent
something than to maintain it; my already deep admiration for Barbara has
multiplied as the logistics have materialized. I have given my best efforts
to maintaining what Barbara began. The traditional "If it ain't broke, don't
fix it" has always been an idea I embrace. But "What else can we do?" is
another concept I use. It is safe to promise that we will have some old
things as well as new things, but all up to our standards and tone.
This year, in recognition of the crucial need for a collegial
effort to empower blind children to take control of their own futures, the
National Organization of Parents of Blind Children will begin with a joint
conference among parents, blind professionals, and rehabilitation
professionals who teach based on NFB philosophy. On the morning of July 3,
for the first time ever, the NOPBC will kick off jointly with NFB
rehabilitation professionals in a large group presentation. We will then
break into sessions designed to meet specific topics of interest--some for
parents, some for professionals, and some that hold common interest. We
recognize that we have a need to teach each other and to get to know each
other. We will also have opportunities to network and socialize between the
two groups.
Every year the following information seems to confuse a few
people, so please read carefully. The National Federation of the Blind's
(NFB) annual convention is the whole thing, the entire convention. It has
its own registration, fees, and schedule. The NOPBC parent division
conference is a distinct set of activities, including its own meetings,
workshops, registration, and fees. It takes place during the NFB annual
convention. NFB Camp is not run by the NOPBC; it is separate childcare
provided by the NFB, run by Carla McQuillan, who is appointed by President
Maurer, for all children, blind and sighted, ages six weeks to ten years,
whose parents are attending convention. NFB Camp has its own registration
and fees. The Teen Youth Track is hosted by the NFB's Jernigan Institute.
The Youth Track has no separate fees from those of the NOPBC registration
Please take note of the following:
The NFB convention agenda and registration are separate, and the
convention has its own fees and deadlines. They are the whole week and
include many activities for everyone, main general sessions, exhibit halls,
and the banquet; they qualify you for the low hotel rates. (Consult the
first two pages of this issue for details.)
NFB Camp is also a separate activity with its own registration form and
fees. (See the preceding article for a description and registration form.)
NOPBC Preregistration ends June 1 and will then be closed. Save
$5 by preregistering. It will cost $5 more a person in Detroit. Some
workshops may have reached seating capacity by late registration and may be
closed to new registrants. Don't risk it, preregister now.
The Future Is Ours and Theirs
Day 1: Friday, July 3
7:45 a.m.-8:30 a.m. Late NOPBC Registration: Rehabilitation professionals do
not need to register for both NOPBC and rehab events. Those who have
preregistered should check in and pick up name tags and materials. Everyone
must register to attend any part of the NOPBC conference. Save money and
headaches, register early.
8:30 a.m.: NFB Camp opens (ages six weeks-10): must preregister, check the
NFB Camp article for information about activities and fees and to
NOPBC Members, Rehabilitation and Education Professionals, Children 5-18,
and Interested Others
8:45 a.m.
Welcome: The Future Is Ours and Theirs
Dr. Edward Bell, Louisiana Tech University, and Carrie Gilmer, NOPBC
8:50 a.m.-9:30 a.m.
Welcome and Kid Talk with Dr. Marc Maurer, NFB president
9:30 a.m.-10:15 a.m.
"What I Really Need from You Is." Teen/Young Adult Panel
[PHOTO/CAPTION: Child at the 2004 Braille Carnival makes a necklace with her
Braille Buddy.]
Children and Youth
10:15 a.m.-noon
Braille Carnival
Children and Teens (ages 5-18) will be dismissed with escorts to attend the
Braille Carnival. Laura Weber, coordinator
10:15 a.m.-noon
Youth Track All about Me (option for ages 13 and over). See Youth Track
information in "Convention Attractions" elsewhere in this issue.
Parents, Professionals, and the Organized Blind
10:20 a.m.-11:00 a.m.
Bridging the Gap: Parents, Professionals, and the Organized Blind
Keynote: Dr. Fredric Schroeder
11:00 a.m.-11:45 a.m.
IEPs and IPEs: What's the Difference? Carrie Gilmer and Dr. Edward Bell
11:50 a.m.-1:45 p.m.
NOPBC lunch on your own; pick up your children.
July 3 Afternoon Break-outs:
NOPBC Parents, Interested Blindness Professionals, NFB Members, and Others
(Must either be registered with NOPBC or be rehabilitation professionals).
Look for simultaneous, informative rehabilitation breakouts for July 3 in
the rehabilitation professionals listing in "Convention Attractions"
elsewhere in this issue and in the rehabilitation conference agenda
available at conference registration on July 3.
2:00 p.m.-5:00 p.m.
Five separate, three-hour, concurrent workshops. Choose one.
1. Show Me the Technology: Middle/High School
Matt Maurer, professor of instructional technology, Butler University, and
Al Lovati, technology instructor, Indiana School for the Blind, join with
some homework survivors to teach you what you need to know.
2. Braille Music for Dummies:
Enough Braille music to know better and help your student. Kyle Conley and
Jennifer Dunnam, Michigan's own Braille Beats
3. One-Two Buckle My Shoe, Three-Four out the Door
Teachers of blind students and experienced parents cover proactive
intervention towards typical preschool child development timelines.
Preliteracy, play, technology, and IDEA rights for preschool. Debbi Head,
Heather Fields, and Annee Hartzell.
4. Five-Six Pick up Sticks, Seven-Eight Lay Them Straight
Teachers of blind students and experienced parents cover proactive
intervention towards typical elementary school timelines: literacy,
technology, social skills, extracurricular and IEPs. School and home.
Denise Mackenstadt, Emily Gibbs, Carol Castellano
5. Penrickton Center
Center using Lillie Nielson's philosophies and techniques. Special off-site
option for parents of children with moderate to severe multiple
disabilities. Brunhilde Merk-Adams
[PHOTO/CAPTION: Cary Supalo instructs students in distinguishing the colorS
of liquids using a sensor. ]
2:00 p.m.-5:00 p.m.
Children and Youth K-12
1. Not So Mad Scientists: Chemistry Experiments, Hands-On
Dr. Andrew Greenberg, University of Wisconsin Madison; Cary Supalo, Penn
State; Marilyn Winograd, teacher of blind students; and Dr. Lillian Rankel,
science department, Hopewell Valley High Central, returned by popular
demand. Thought chemistry or science was boring or inaccessible to the
blind? Think again.
2. Show Me the Pictures: Ann Cunningham, author, artist, and teacher at the
Colorado Center for the Blind, will make pictures and drawing fun while
sneaking in instruction on interpreting, making, and using tactile drawings
and representations. Debbie Kent Stein, another author, assisting
Rotating by K-grade 5 (1. and 2.) and grades 6-12 (2. and 1.), 90 minutes
each session.
Youth Ages 13 and Over Option: (See Youth Track for details)
2:00 p.m.-3:30 p.m.
"Back and Biceps, Chest and Triceps"; 3:30-5:00 p.m. "Me and YouTube"
5:00 p.m.-6:30 p.m.
Dinner on your own. Parents are encouraged to mingle and network with
professionals in education and rehabilitation by joining their Mix and
Mingle Reception during this time.
6:30 p.m.-10:30 p.m
NOPBC Hospitality: All are welcome.
Brief Program: 7:00 p.m.-9:00 p.m. Barbara Mathews, emcee
Growing Up Blind
Rookies: Tips and Tidbits for Convention Survival
Sharing Parent Power
Day 2: Saturday, July 4
NFB Registration (pick up your packets), exhibit hall opens, Independence
Market opens. Wear your name tags all week. No NFB camp today.
Families, Chaperones, Teachers, and Kids:
Cane Walk: Can Run, Rock, or Roll
9:00 a.m.-10:30 a.m.
Session I: Talk and Travel
10:30 a.m.-noon
Session II: Talk and Travel
All ages and family members welcome, children require a chaperone or parent.
Done under sleepshades. Carol Castellano and NOPBC in partnership with Jeff
Altman of Nebraska Commission for the Blind, Dr. Edward Bell of Louisiana
Tech University, Louisiana Center for the Blind, BLIND, Inc., Colorado
Center for the Blind, individual NOMC-certified instructors, and NFB
9:00 a.m.-noon
Cane Crawl/Toddle/Walk: Ages 0-3
Instructed playtime and independent movement; active class (no siblings).
Dr. Denise Robinson, Debbie Head, Merry-Noel Chamberlain, Stephanie
Kieszak-Holloway, Heather Fields
Noon-1:45 p.m. Lunch on your own.
July 4: Afternoon
Childcare for ages six weeks-4 not available for the afternoon
Limited assistance in finding individual babysitters will be offered; quiet
or sleeping young children are welcome to attend with parents.
2:00 p.m.-3:30 p.m. Choose one:
1. Spaghetti, Meatballs, and Birthday Parties: Manners, Cafeterias, Games,
Playgrounds, and Friends (pre-K and elementary). Debbi Head, Emily Gibbs,
Merry-Noel Chamberlain
2. Bring Me to the Mall; Text Me Later: Manners, Food Courts, Friends
(middle and high school). Eric Guillory and Deja Powell
3. Back to School: Getting ready now for fall IEPs, new schools, the next
grade, new teachers, other professionals in your child's life, and friends.
(any age). Carol Castellano
4. Speed Bumps: Improving Braille Reading Speed and Fluency (any age). Dr.
Ruby Ryles and some speed readers
3:30 p.m.-5:00 p.m. Choose one:
5. Getting Ready to Bring Home and Manage the Bacon: Summer Jobs, Vocational
Rehabilitation, and Volunteering (middle and high school).
Jan Bailey, vocational rehabilitation counselor for three decades
6. Book Making: No not gambling; making Braille books at home (pre-K and
elementary). Krystal Guillory and Carlton Anne Cook Walker
7. Cooking and No Looking/Chores without Bores: Two blind sisters, Melissa
Riccobono and Jennifer Wenzel, who grew up with the expectation of cooking
and doing chores and are now moms themselves, share nonvisual techniques and
tips (any age).
8. Pro to Pro to Parent to Para: What if: the teacher of blind students
says, "It's not my job," and the OT says, "Not my job," and the ST says, "I
don't know how," and the parent says, "I don't know how," and the O and M
says, "It definitely is not my job," and they all say, "Let the para do it,
because we don't have time." Whose job is what? How can everyone be helped
to know, empowered to do--decisively working as a team? (Any age). Dr.
Denise Robinson, Gail Wagner, Annee Hartzell
Children and Youth:
2:00 p.m.-5:00 p.m.
1. Braille Beats--Kids get into Braille music in a fun way. Kyle Conley
2. You Want to Move it, Move it: Lisamarie Martinez, judo expert, and
friends get the kids moving it. Stacy Cervenka assisting. Rotating: K-grades
5 (1. then 2.) and grades 6-12 (2. then 1.), 90 minutes each session.
5:00 p.m.-7:00 p.m. Dinner on your own.
(Recommend moms dine out. See next item.)
7:00 p.m.-9:00 p.m.
Dads' Night Out:
Sighted dads of blind kids, blind dads of sighted kids, blind dads of blind
kids, or, if you are a man and were once a kid with a father and have some
advice for dads--all are welcome.
Day 3: Sunday, July 5
NOPBC has nothing scheduled. (Get your NFB registration packets and
Independence March items if you have not already done so.)
NFB Camp opens (must have preregistered for camp).
11:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Casual NOPBC board gathering for lunch.
12:45 p.m.-5:00 p.m.
Middle School Big Adventure: Okay guys and gals, this is your day to hang
out with blind mentors, explore the area, make friends, influence people,
check out the exhibit hall without your parents. It is your free time to
hang out together as a group and have fun (ages 9-14 only, same-age siblings
welcome). Led by Michael Freeholm and Garrick Scott.
NFB Camp, (ages 5-10) afternoon field trip to Bouncin' Kids (Must be
preregistered and paid with NFB Camp).
Parents and interested others:
1:00 p.m.-5:00 p.m.
Annual NOPBC Division Meeting: Making Their Future Dreams Come True
Can a Blind Kid Dream of Being a Fireman?: Parnell Diggs, president, NFB of
South Carolina
Making My Own Dream Come True: Surprise Guest
Independence the Old Fashioned Way: Surprise Guest
What I Want to Be: Kid Panel
Here's How to Do It: Most Excellent Teachers
Are Love and Marriage in the Dream? Sighted and Blind Spouses Panel
NOPBC Presidential Report
Brief Business Meeting and Elections
6:30 p.m.-9:30 p.m.
Braille Book Flea Market (all welcome):
Happy birthday, Louis Braille. Louis makes an appearance, cake served.
Program, recognitions, books, books, and more books
Day 4: Monday, July 6
March for Independence
NFB General Sessions begin. See convention agenda online about June 1.
Parents, Rehabilitation Professionals, and Interested Others
6:30 p.m.-8:00 p.m. Choose one:
1. Braille for Dummies: (very basic) Why Braille, the myths and the facts,
print or Braille or dual, where a parent can learn it, what the law says,
getting books easily in hardcopy or by the Internet using the technology
available. Dr. Denise Robinson
2. The Science of Getting in on Science: Adapting with high and low tech
tools for equal participation and understanding in science. Cary Supalo,
Marilyn Winograd, and Dr. Lillian Rankel
3. Mental Mapping: How do you become skilled at mental mapping and
independent mobility? How do you use sounds and cues in the environment? How
do you get back from whence you came? Daniel Kish
8:00 p.m.-9:30 p.m.: Choose one
4. Show Them the Pictures: Tactile pictures and maps. How can you help your
child get access to pictures, and why are they important? Ann Cunningham
5. It Adds up or Multiplies When You Can; Subtracts or Divides When You
Can't: Taking the headaches out of adapting-high- and low-tech in math. We
want them to like math, know they can do it, and get the access to actually
do it. Eric and Krystal Guillory
6. Research and Eval Testing: What Kind of Data Is That? Dr. Ruby Ryles and
Dr. Eric Vasiliauskas
Children and Youth: Ages 5-14
6:30 p.m. -9:30 p.m. A universally fun time: Noreen Grice and volunteer
coordinator Michael Freeholm
Youth Track Option:
Monday, July 6: 7:30 p.m.-8:30 p.m.
"Me and the Gossip Girls": Teen Talk Session, teenage girls (ages 14-18)
"Me and the Guys": Teen talk for teenage boys ages, (14-18)
Day 5: Tuesday, July 7
Parents and Interested Others:
6:30 p.m.-9:30 p.m.
Mock IEP. Come laugh and learn. Those who wish to attend the Mock IEP but
are not NOPBC registered may join in the hilarity by donating $5 at the
door. Watch out: between the laughs you might really learn some advocacy and
what is proper in an IEP. First come, first seated. When the seats are
filled, there are no more.
Children and Youth: Ages 5-14
6:30 p.m.-9:30 p.m.
We will not let convention acquaintances be forgot. Led by Michael Freeholm.
Youth Track Option
6:00 p.m.-10 p.m. (ages 13-18)
"It Wasn't Me": Murder Mystery at the Club
Day 6: Wednesday, July 8
8:00 a.m.-9:00 a.m. NOPBC Annual Board Meeting
Last Day General Sessions. Great banquet in the evening.
Postmarked by June 1
Preregistrations postmarked after June 1 will be returned.
Mail to:
Carrie Gilmer, NOPBC President
1152 106th Lane NE
Minneapolis, MN 55434
Fees: (Fees for the 2009 NOPBC Conference cover workshop materials,
informational packets, extra AV equipment, hospitality refreshments,
children's workshop materials, and other expenses not covered by the NFB or
donated by presenters. Registration includes at-large NOPBC membership
dues.) $25 for each adult for preregistration by June 1, $30 per adult for
late, $5 per child ages 5-12 for preregistration by June 1, $10 for late,
$15 per youth ages 13-18 preregistered by June 1, $20 for late
Preregistration closes June 1. After that you must register in Detroit.
(NOTE: NFB Camp and NFB convention registration are separate.)
# of adults attending:______(x) $25=____Early, (x) $30 Late_______
# of children (age 5-12):____(x) $5=_____Early, (x) $10 Late_______
# of teens (age 13-18):______(x) $15=____Early, (x) $20 Late_______
Total: $__________________
Enclose check payable to NOPBC. Registrations without payment
will not be considered valid.
Preregistration is strongly urged. Seating capacity for all NOPBC workshops
and activities is limited. First come, first registered.
Adult(s): Name:______________________________________________
[ ] parent [ ] professional [ ] other___________________
[ ] parent [ ] professional [ ] other____________________
List additional adults below.
Name ________________________________
Address:_____________________________ City:_____________________
State:____________ Zip:______________ Phone:_____________________
Email:____________________________ Alt. phone:__________________
Children's names and ages:__________________________________________
Want to receive Future Reflections? _______ Local NFB/POBC member?____
Is this your first convention?_________ If not, how many?______________
Adults: Friday, July 3, Afternoon workshops, 2 p.m.-5 p.m. Choose one:
1. Technology [ ] 2. Braille Music [ ] 3. Preschool [ ] 4. Elementary [ ]
5. Penrickton: Moderate/Severe Multiply Disabled Child [ ] (off-site)
Children and Youth: (ages 5-18)
10:15-Noon Braille Carnival [ ] # children____ Ages_______
(K-5 science then art, 6-12 art then science, choose both or one or all
Youth options)
Science [ ] # children___ Ages_______ Names_______________________
Tactile Art/Pictures [ ] # children___ Ages ______ Names______________
Youth Track: (age 13 and over) option(s)
10:15-Noon "All About Me" # teens _____ Names______________________________
2-3:30 pmYouth Track: (13-18) Fitness # teens_______ 3:30-5pm You Tube #
Saturday, July 4, 9:00 a.m.-noon
Cane Walk:
Session I: 9:00 a.m.-10:30 a.m. [ ] # adults________ # children________
Session II: 10:30 a.m.-noon [ ] # adults________ # children________
Cane Crawl/Toddle (ages 0-3) [ ] # adults_______# children________
Adult afternoon workshops, July 4:
2:00 p.m.-3:30 p.m. Choose one for each adult:
1. Manners/Social (pre-K and elementary) [ ] 3. Back to School [ ]
2. Manners/Social (middle/high school) [ ] 4. Reading Speed [ ]
3:30 p.m.-5:00 p.m. Choose one for each adult:
5. Job Readiness [ ] 7. Cooking/Chores [ ]
6. Book Making [ ] 8. The Four Ps [ ]
Children and Youth (ages 5-18): (Rotate like Friday-No Youth Track on Sat.
Music [ ] # children____ Ages_______ Names____________________
Move It [ ] # children____ Ages_______ Names___________________
Sunday, July 5: Middle School Big Adventure (ages 9-14) [ ] #_____
Middle School Student
Monday, July 6, 6:30 p.m.-9:30 p.m.
Children's Activity # children___________ Youth #teens (14-18) ____________
Adult (check one for each adult attending if different or more than one):
6:30 p.m.-8:00 p.m. Braille [ ] Science [ ] Mental Map [ ]
8:00 p.m.-9:30 p.m. Pictures [ ] Math [ ] Research and Testing [
Tuesday, July 7, 6:30 p.m.-9:30 p.m.:
Children's Activity # children__________ Youth #teens (13-18) _____________
Adults: Mock IEP # attending_____ Come early, seats not guaranteed.
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