[blindkid] Question about fundraisers

Leah leah at somazen.com
Mon May 11 22:39:00 UTC 2009


We did a large barbecue for a fundraiser (not NFB) a couple of years  
ago. First we started by determining what service we would offer,  
location, and entertainment. We worked on several entertainment  
choices. We found chefs who would cook and bring all their equipment  
for free. They made a menu with us and then I had to get the  
ingredients (like you do now).

All I did was find about 5 suppliers for each ingredient and start  
calling. I took down phone numbers off of products at the grocery  
store, looked in the phone book, etc. In some cases I found that  
certain suppliers had a limit and so I used more than one supplier.

We made sure to have a prominent list both printed at the event  
thanking the donors (so they got free advertising) and we also put a  
thank you on our website that has stayed up permanently.

If you are calling a large organization just ask to speak to the  
person who is in charge of donations. Be prepared with a short speech  
about what you want, how much, when, and what your organization is and  
how it will benefit kids. Also be prepared to arrange transportation  
to pick up the items. If you feel nervous, just remember, they are  
being approached by organizations asking for donations all the time  
and it is no big deal to them. I never got turned down by any business  
unless they had already filled their donation quota for that period,  
and they were always nice to me on the phone.

If you get creative and sell something that people will really want  
(bottled water is always great, also lemonade, or snacks for small  
kids that parents may have forgotten, or a non-sugar alternative to  
candy depending on what others are selling,) you can do really well. I  
remember this winter waiting in line for hours at a free winter coat  
distribution. A mother got creative and brought a huge stroller full  
of homemade tamales. Everyone in line was hungry and bought them all up!


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