[blindkid] ERG questions

Doreen doreenproverbs3 at bellsouth.net
Mon Aug 16 21:46:24 UTC 2010

our 5yr old daughter is having an ERG done in a few weeks. Her pressures 
were high when the ophthalmologist did the annual exam under anesthesia 
but mainly her acuities have declined drastically without any "reason." 
The doc was hoping to find some kind of an answer for the decline during 
the exam under anesthesia but did not. (The docs did not "see" glaucoma 
when comparing her photos of a year ago to this exam; they also found 
that the macula, retina, optic nerves and drainage canals are good.) The 
ophthalmologist is now ordering an ERG. I have gotten the information 
from Bascom Palmer (where she goes for her ophthalmologist's exams) on 
what will be done and have googled it also. (Pressures were: March 09 - 
near 20/70, distance 20/100; Aug 09 - distance 20/160OD, 20/250 OS;  
July 2010 - 20/800 near, 20/400 distance. They also declined in Oct and 
Dec 2009 but she had been in school for the full day, then saw the 
ophthalmologist which "could" have explained the decrease then. The 
20/800 and 20/400 are "not explainable" as it is summer time and she was 
in the doc's office at about the same time as normal, so not much 
fatigue due to having to do work in school).

I am wondering if anyone's child has had this done and what your 
experience has been. We are looking for any kind of information. She 
will have to go under anesthesia again for the ERG (electroretinography) 
and the doc may or may not be able to get intraocular pressures as well 
as doing the ERG.

Thank you .... your help is greatly appreciated!

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