[blindkid] Wii Device Teaches Visually Impaired to WalkwithCanes

Richard Holloway rholloway at gopbc.org
Tue Jun 8 01:35:43 UTC 2010

Heather Field makes an interesting point about walking in a straight  
line. Certainly my seven-year-old has yet to master this. Should a  
solution to help her be found that is also fun, I don't have a  
particular problem with that. Why exactly should learning to use a  
cane NOT be fun?

When I was a kid, medicine tasted nasty. My kids now take medicine  
which tastes relatively good by comparison. Is that bad?

Last time I was at the gym, I saw a bunch of people watching TV--  
while they walked on treadmills. One might argue that people were not  
intended to enjoy television while they walk. I would say instead that  
this seems to work for some people and that at least some of them are  
probably exercising who might not otherwise do so, or at least walking  
longer for exercise.

I guess I just don't understand al the condemning of this by many of  
us whom I believe have never tried this product out at all. Seems like  
a dangerous approach. I have not tried it myself. I might see it and  
decide it is a terrible idea, at least for us, but so far I don't have  
enough real info to form a reasonable opinion.

> It is actually upsetting to me, because it reflects a complete  
> disconnect between the sighted creators and the blind community.

I don't have the needed energy to re-read this entire thread, but how  
exactly do we know this was created / developed without any blind  
people's input?

Not that it matters to me either way, but that may be an assumption  
that we should not jump towards as well...

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