[blindkid] Fwd: Update - Global Explorers Leading the Way
Carol Castellano
blindchildren at verizon.net
Thu Oct 14 12:22:50 UTC 2010
Hi Everyone,
I am forwarding this information. Sounds like a fabulous trip!
Carol Castellano
National Organization of Parents of Blind Children
carol_castellano at verizon.net
>Date: Wed, 13 Oct 2010 19:55:55 +0000 (GMT)
>From: Laura Portalupi <laura at globalexplorers.org>
>To: "blindchildren at verizon.net" <blindchildren at verizon.net>
>Subject: Update - Global Explorers Leading the Way
>Dear Carol,
>Thank you for supporting Global Explorers'
>programs for students of diverse abilities! In
>2010, we ran three awesome expeditions: Leading
>the Way Rim to River in the Grand Canyon, Girl
>Scouts of the USA Leading the Way in the
>Southwest, and the inaugural Hear the World Expedition in the Peruvian Amazon.
>I'm pleased to announce that we are now
>accepting applications through November 15 for
>the 2011 Leading the Way Rim to River expedition.
>Rim to River: Grand Canyon, Arizona | July 6-17,
>2011 | Price: $1,670 - Scholarships are available!
>In partnership with the nonprofit Grand Canyon
>Youth and Grand Canyon National Park, this is a
>once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for blind and
>sighted students to explore the wonders of the
>Grand Canyon—from its majestic rim to its magnificent river.
>Nominate a student or apply online here:
>If you have questions or would like more
>information, contact me at laura at globalexplorers.org or 877.627.1425.
>Kind regards,
>Laura Portalupi
>Leading the Way Fellow
>Global Explorers
>420 S. Howes St. Suite B300
>Fort Collins, CO 80521
>(office) 877.627.1425
>(fax) 970.672.1073
>"This is a life-changing trip ... you will walk
>away as a different person." - 2010 Rim to River Participant
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