[blindkid] reading rates

Carol Castellano carol_castellano at verizon.net
Thu Mar 22 15:21:40 UTC 2012

Arielle, Heather, Dave, and any other Braille readers out there,

You gave your own reading rates.  What sort of material did you use 
to measure this?  Did you do a 5-minute test?  Or did you simply time 
yourself reading an article or something like that?  As I read more 
and more about this issue and reading rates in general, I see that 
there are many ways to measure.  For example, if a person is reading 
for pleasure the rate will be faster than if he/she is reading to 
learn something.


Carol Castellano
President, Parents of Blind Children-NJ
Director of Programs
National Organization of Parents of Blind Children
carol_castellano at verizon.net

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