[blindkid] Services Availabe through Oak Hill for the Blind in Connecticut

Bo Page bo.page at sbcglobal.net
Wed Aug 27 13:32:57 UTC 2014

For those living in Connecticut: Last year was my daughter's last year in high school.  I fought my school system for years trying to get more help for my daughter with independent living skills and technology training.  After pressing them hard and consulting with a lawyer, I got their attention and suddenly they found resources for my daughter.

One of the resources was in my back yard that not even BESB offered to us except for a class or two that they sponsored throughout the year.  My school system ended up paying for tech training for my daughter and it made all the difference in the world.  We explored different assistive technologies that would enhance her life and we talked about college and what to expect and social skills and using a guide dog and so much more.  These trainings made all the difference in the world for my daughter, and they are a well-kept secret.  

I urge anyone who's visually impaired child/student to learn more about how Oak Hill can help.  They are contracted with BESB, but unless another parent tells them about it parents don't know that Oak Hill is an option.  Oak Hill is holding a free demonstration as listed below.  

Introduction to Blind Services at Oak Hill

Category: Blind and Low-Vision Services
Date:    Time: 9:30am - 12noon

Are you an individual with a visual impairment, a Teacher of the Visually Impaired, or a parent of a student who is legally or totally blind?  The NEAT Center at Oak Hill is offering a comprehensive overview of the services that we offer to individuals with vision loss or blindness.  Please join us as we discuss the process for Assistive Technology Trainings, Consultations, Evaluations and Workshops to support students and individuals with Visual Impairments.  Participants will also view demonstrations of the latest assistive technology available for blind services. 

Date: 9-24-14

Time: 9:30 am - 12 noon


Registration required by Wednesday, September 17, 2014. 

Presenter: Steven Famiglietti

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