[blindkid] info help

Bo Page bo.page at sbcglobal.net
Wed Mar 26 23:01:01 UTC 2014

Anything to do with technology training, independent living skills and socializing and making friends.

> From: Deborah Kent Stein <dkent5817 at att.net>
>To: Rosina Solano <colemangirly at yahoo.com>; "Blind Kid Mailing List, (for parents of blind children)" <blindkid at nfbnet.org> 
>Sent: Wednesday, March 26, 2014 6:39 PM
>Subject: Re: [blindkid] info help
>Dear Rosina,
>What a great question!  Please share your answers when they come in - we'd 
>love to know here in Illinois!
>-----Original Message----- 
>From: Rosina Solano
>Sent: Wednesday, March 26, 2014 10:27 AM
>To: blindkid at nfbnet.org
>Subject: [blindkid] info help
>Need  quick bit of info from any and all parents of blind/VI kids!!
>This is a question, but please don't think over hard about it.  I am looking 
>for fast, gut answers.
>If you received a flyer in the mail or saw a post on a list group about an 
>event in your state that was geered towards blind/VI kids what would be the 
>1 or 2 top items that you would make sure you would be at even if it meant 
>taking off of work?  I don't mean like it sounds good and you would like to 
>go, but.....  things happen.  What would it be that you would definitely 
>make sure to be at?  What is it that is sooo irresistible that you would 
>figure any way out to get to.  Some examples are scholarships, tech 
>demonstrations, science program but please don't just use those.
>I am trying to find out the absolute most important things that either 
>parents or the kids want that would get them to come to something.  I don't 
>mean just members of something either.  I mean if you were not involved in 
>any group but you saw this one thing and you would make sure to be at it.  I 
>know what it is for me, but I am looking at a broader pool as I already know 
>the benefits.
>Thank you all for your answers in advance!!!!!!!!
>Rosina Foster
>MOPOBC  Missouri Parents of Blind Children
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