[BlindKid] Another Attempt

Louis Maher ljmaher03 at outlook.com
Tue Oct 29 10:24:58 UTC 2024

From: D'Agostino, Alfred T. <adagostino at ccbcmd.edu>
Sent: Monday, October 28, 2024 3:11 PM
To: Louis Maher <ljmaher03 at outlook.com>
Cc: D'Agostino, Alfred <ADAgostino at ndm.edu>
Subject: Another Attempt

Good afternoon Louis.
In attempts recently to get needed info from BBI students through the NFB list serves - NABS, the Science Technology Division, and the newly created TactileTalk, I have surprisingly not received any responses to questions I have posed.

I have written a book chapter on the topic of making the postsecondary chemistry curriculum. Accessible to BBI The rough draft is in the hands of the editor. However, what it lacks is hearing the voices of BVI students. There is time for me to include their comments, concerns, and recommendations - that would be heard widely.
     Would you please make another attempt to reach members for their input? This is an opportunity to be heard, and make a difference.

Dr. Alfred D'Agostino is collecting information from Blind / Visually Impaired students about barriers and experiences they have encountered in studying chemistry at the undergraduate level.
Would you please thoughtfully consider providing responses to the below questions?

E-mail responses can be reply to the list serve or sent to adagostino at ndm.edu<mailto:adagostino at ndm.edu>

1( Would you please describe your First-hand account of the barriers you have encountered in your study of chemistry at the college / university level. That is, in the in-person and online / virtual environments, and especially in the laboratory.

2( In considering your experience in taking chemistry courses and laboratory in any setting), what method, tool, innovation, would have helped you learn

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